AFNI Academy online: video tutorials from the Bootcamp classes and more

The AFNI Academy series of neuroimaging processing videos is now available online:

This series of videos grew out of the AFNI Bootcamp classes, and provides a growing set of online lectures, tutorials and hands-on examples available on the AFNI Bootcamp Channel. The videos are organized in topical playlists, with any source material (PDFs, scripts) provided via links in the “Details” of the video page. Current playlists include: mastering the AFNI GUI, time series analysis, start-to-finish single subject FMRI processing, all sorts of alignment, working with ROIs, and more.

You can subscribe to the channel and be notified when new videos are added. Suggestions for topics are also welcomed.


… I didn’t see how to edit this post, but this channel now has its own fancy title:

… which might be easier to remember.