Good question that resource is not available anymore online (this is not from our lab…) so I wrote it manually below for you. Note that I noticed that tract do not systematically have their equivalent in teh other hemisphere.
CC_CingG.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the cingulate gyri
CC_Cu.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the cuneus
CC_LG.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the lingual gyri
CC_MFG.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the middle frontal gyri
CC_MOG.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the middle occipital gyri
CC_PoCG.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the postcentral gyri
CC_PrCG.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the precentral gyri
CC_PrCu.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the precuneus gyri
CC_RG.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the rectus gyri
CC_SFG.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the superior frontal gyri
CC_SOG.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the superior occipital gyri
CC_SPG.nii.gz - Corpus callosum connecting the superior parietal lobule
CGC_L.nii.gz - Cingulum Dorsal branch left
CGC_R.nii.gz - Cingulum Dorsal branch right
CGH_L.nii.gz - Cingulum ventral branch left
CGH_R.nii.gz - Cingulum ventral branch right
CST_L.nii.gz - Cortico-Spinal Tract left
CST_R.nii.gz - Cortico-Spinal Tract right
IFO_L.nii.gz - Inferior fronto occipital fasciculus left
IFO_R.nii.gz - Inferior fronto occipital fasciculus right
ILF_L.nii.gz - Inferior longitudinal fasciculus left
ILF_R.nii.gz - Inferior longitudinal fasciculus right
SAF_AG_MOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres angular - middle occipital gyri left
SAF_AG_MOG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres angular - middle occipital gyri right
SAF_AG_SMG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres angular - supramarginal left
SAF_AG_SMG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres angular - supramarginal right
SAF_CingG_PrCG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cingulum - precentral gyri left
SAF_CingG_PrCG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cingulum - precentral gyri right
SAF_CingG_PrCu_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cingulum - precuneus left
SAF_CingG_PrCu_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cingulum - precuneus right
SAF_CingG_SFG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cingulum - superior frontal gyri left
SAF_CingG_SFG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cingulum - superior frontal gyri right
SAF_Cu_LG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cuneus - lingual gyri left
SAF_Cu_LG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cuneus - lingual gyri right
SAF_Cu_MOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cuneus - middle occipital gyri left
SAF_Cu_MOG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cuneus - middle occipital gyri right
SAF_Cu_SOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cuneus - sup. occipital gyri left
SAF_Cu_SOG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres cuneus - sup. occipital gyri right
SAF_Fu_IOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres fusiform - superior occipital gyri left
SAF_Fu_IOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres fusiform - superior occipital gyri right
SAF_Fu_MOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres fusiform - inferior occipital gyri left
SAF_IFG_PrCG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres inferior frontal - precentral gyri left
SAF_IFG_PrCG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres inferior frontal - precentral gyri right
SAF_IOG_MOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres inferior occipital - middle occipital gyri left
SAF_IOG_MOG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres occipital - middle occipital gyri right
SAF_ITG_MTG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres inferior temporal gyrus - middle temporal gyri left
SAF_ITG_MTG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres inferior temporal gyrus - middle temporal gyri right
SAF_LFOG_MFOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres no idea what this is SAF_MFG_IFG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres middle frontal - inferior frontal gyri left
SAF_MFG_PrCG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres middle frontal - precentral gyri left
SAF_MFG_PrCG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres middle frontal - peecental gyri right
SAF_PoCG_SMG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres post-central - supramarginal gyri left
SAF_PoCG_SMG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres post-central - supramarginal gyri right
SAF_PrCG_PoCG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres precentral - postcentral gyri left
SAF_PrCG_PoCG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres precentral - postcentral gyri right
SAF_SFG_IFG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres superior frontal - inferior frontal l gyri left
SAF_SFG_MFG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres superior frontal - middle frontal gyri left
SAF_SFG_MFG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres superior frontal - middle frontal gyri right
SAF_SFG_PrCG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres superior frontal - precentral gyri left
SAF_SFG_PrCG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres superior frontal - precentral gyri right
SAF_SFG_RG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres superior frontal - rectus gyri left
SAF_SOG_MOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres superior occipital - middle occipital gyri left
SAF_SOG_MOG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres superior occipital - middle occipital gyri right
SAF_SPG_AG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres angular - superior parietal gyri left
SAF_SPG_AG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres angular - superior parietal gyri right
SAF_SPG_MOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres angular - middle occipital gyrus left
SAF_SPG_PoCG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior parietal lobule - postcentral gyrus left
SAF_SPG_PoCG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior parietal lobule - postcentral gyrus right
SAF_SPG_PrCu_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior parietal lobule - precuneus gyrus left
SAF_SPG_PrCu_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior parietal lobule - precuneus gyrus right
SAF_SPG_SMG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior parietal lobule - supramarginal gyrus left
SAF_SPG_SMG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior parietal lobule - supramarginal gyrus right
SAF_SPG_SOG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior parietal lobule - superior occipital gyrus left
SAF_STG_MTG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior parietal lobule - middle temporal gyrus left
SAF_STG_MTG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior parietal lobule - middle temporal gyrus left
SAF_STG_SMG_L.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior temporal - supramarginal gyri left
SAF_STG_SMG_R.nii.gz - Small associative fibres Superior temporal - supramarginal gyri right
SLF_FP_L.nii.gz - superior longitudinal fasiculus fronto-parietal branch left
SLF_FP_R.nii.gz - superior longitudinal fasiculus fronto-parietal branch right
SLF_FT_L.nii.gz - superior longitudinal fasiculus fronto-temporal branch left
SLF_FT_R.nii.gz - superior longitudinal fasiculus fronto-temporal branch right
SLF_PT_L.nii.gz - superior longitudinal fasiculus parieto-temporal branch left
SLF_PT_R.nii.gz - superior longitudinal fasiculus parieto-temporal branch right
TH_MFG_L.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to middle frontal gyrus left
TH_MFG_R.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to middle frontal gyrus right
TH_MOG_L.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to middle occipital gyrus left
TH_MOG_R.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to middle occipital gyrus right
TH_PoCG_L.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to postcentral gyrus left
TH_PoCG_R.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to postcentral gyrus right
TH_PrCG_L.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to precentral gyrus left
TH_PrCG_R.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to precentral gyrus right
TH_PrCu_L.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to precuneus gyrus left
TH_PrCu_R.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to precuneus gyrus right
TH_SFG_L.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to superior frontal gyrus left
TH_SFG_R.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to superior frontal gyrus right
TH_SOG_L.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to superior occipital gyrus left
TH_SOG_R.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to superior occipital gyrus right
TH_SPG_L.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to superior parietal lobule left
TH_SPG_R.nii.gz - Thalamic projections to superior parietal lobule right
UNC_L.nii.gz - Uncinate left
UNC_R.nii.gz - Uncinate right
As for your additional map, this might be a format issue. Plus if it is 0 or 1 you will definitely have only 1 or 0 in your excel spreadsheet for probability and a continuous value in the proportion.
Maybe you can fix the format using the following code.
for a in *.nii.gz
do echo $a
echo “I love BCBtoolkit”
/Applications/BCBToolKitOSX/Tools/binaries/bin/flirt -interp nearestneighbour -in $a -ref /Applications/BCBToolKitOSX/Tools/extraFiles/MNI152.nii.gz -out r00$a.nii -usesqform -applyxfm
/Applications/BCBToolKitOSX/Tools/binaries/bin/fslmaths r00$a -mul r00$a -bin r00$a
let me know if it works.