Hi I am using the following code from @tsalo 's github to model each event as a seperate regressor. I changed certain things to be able to run on Windows and latest MATLAB version.
However, I am getting an error that the Syntax of the command is not correct. Everytime its also throwing an error that one or the other variable is not defined. Example: includeConditions or lssMakeVectors etc. I tried to fix it however I do not know why it is doing so.
The syntax of the command is incorrect error is shown after :
"Loading previous model for sub-P02:
Getting model informationâŚ
Modeling 629 timepoints across 2 sessions.
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the âProcessesâ profile âŚ
Connected to parallel pool with 14 workers.
ans =
ProcessPool with properties:
Connected: true
NumWorkers: 14
Busy: false
Cluster: Processes (Local Cluster)
AttachedFiles: {}
AutoAddClientPath: true
FileStore: [1x1 parallel.FileStore]
ValueStore: [1x1 parallel.ValueStore]
IdleTimeout: 30 minutes (30 minutes remaining)
SpmdEnabled: true
The syntax of the command is incorrect."
Could you please help?
spmDir = 'C:\Users\TheMemoryLab\Desktop\Pilot_Bernat\sub-P02\1stlevel_image_cross'; %insert path to the directory of SPM.mat file'
subject= 'sub-P02'; %it must be a string, hence in single quotes
outDir = 'C:\Users\TheMemoryLab\Desktop\Pilot_Bernat\sub-P02\1stlevel_image_cross\LS-S';
settings.model = 2 %this is for multi-model ; its 1 for multi regressor.
settings.useTempFS = true
includeConditions = {}
% Load pre-existing SPM file containing model information
% \n is to break line
% %s: is any string that you will add in the next argument. 2 %s means you
% need 2 arguments.
fprintf('\nLoading previous model for %s:\n%s\n', subject, [spmDir, '/SPM.mat']);
if exist([spmDir '/SPM.mat'],'file')
OrigSpm = load([spmDir '/SPM.mat']);
error('Cannot find SPM.mat file.');
%Not sure why we need the following code if we define the path for outDir
if ~exist(outDir, 'dir')
fprintf('\nCreating directory:\n%s\n', outDir);
temporaryRootFolder = ['/run/shm/' getenv('USERNAME') '/']; %It was 'USER' originally. It only works for Mac. For windows its username.
tempDir = [temporaryRootFolder subject '/'];
% Get model information from SPM file
fprintf('\nGetting model information...\n');
files = OrigSpm.SPM.xY.P; % .P i the subfield with file names of BOLD data loaded
fprintf('Modeling %i timepoints across %i sessions.\n', size(files, 1), length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess)); %i is the place holder for integer argument that will follow later
%size(files, 1) is number of total images = 629
% Make trial directory
betaDir = [outDir 'betas/'];
if ~exist(betaDir, 'dir') %Not sure whats the point of having this code if we are explicity making the directory before
if settings.model == 2
%This initializes the SPM job management system.
% It sets up the environment required to run SPM jobs from within MATLAB
% without the graphical user interface (GUI).
% This step is crucial for running SPM in a non-interactive manner,
% such as within a script or batch process
spm('defaults', 'FMRI');
parpool %used parpool instead of matlabpool originally. Its no longer supported.
if settings.useTempFS
[nRows, nCols] = size(files);
index = 1:nCols;
for iRow = 1:nRows
index = intersect(index, find(OrigSpm.SPM.xY.P(1, :) == OrigSpm.SPM.xY.P(iRow, :)));
indexDiff = diff(index)==1;
consecutiveIndex = find([false, indexDiff]~=[indexDiff, false]);
lastConsecutive = consecutiveIndex(2:2:end);
newFiles = cellstr(files);
for iFile = 1:nRows
oldPath = fileparts(files(iFile, 1:lastConsecutive));
newFile = strrep(files(iFile, :), oldPath, tempDir);
newFiles{iFile} = newFile;
newDataDir = fileparts(newFile);
if ~exist(newDataDir, 'dir')
system(['copy /Y ' files(iFile, 1:end-2) ' ' newFile(1:end-2)]); %replaced cp with copy to work in Windows
% Loop across sessions
for iSess = 1:length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess)
rows = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).row;
if settings.useTempFS
sessFiles = newFiles(rows);
sessFiles = files(rows', :);
sessFiles = cellstr(sessFiles);
covariates = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).C.C;
originalNames = cell(1, length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U));
originalOnsets = cell(1, length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U));
originalDurations = cell(1, length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U));
for jCond = 1:length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U)
originalNames{jCond} = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).name{1};
originalOnsets{jCond} = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).ons;
originalDurations{jCond} = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).dur;
[lssNames, lssOnsets, lssDurations] = lssMakeVectors(originalNames, originalOnsets, originalDurations, includeConditions);
for jCond = 1:length(includeConditions)
if settings.overwrite || ~exist([betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{jCond} '_Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '.nii'], 'file')
% As long as the current condition is in includeConditions,
% set up a model for each individual trial.
parfor kTrial = 1:length(lssOnsets{jCond})
singleName = lssNames{jCond}{kTrial}{1};
names = lssNames{jCond}{kTrial};
onsets = lssOnsets{jCond}{kTrial};
durations = lssDurations{jCond}{kTrial};
% Make trial directory
if settings.useTempFS
trialDir = [tempDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '/' singleName '/'];
trialDir = [betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '/' singleName '/'];
if ~exist(trialDir,'dir')
% Save regressor onset files
regFile = [trialDir 'st_regs.mat'];
parsave(regFile, names, onsets, durations);
covFile = [trialDir 'st_covs.txt'];
dlmwrite(covFile, covariates, '\t');
% Create matlabbatch for creating new SPM.mat file
matlabbatch = createSpmBatch(trialDir, OrigSpm.SPM);
matlabbatch = addSessionToBatch(matlabbatch, 1, sessFiles, regFile, covFile, OrigSpm.SPM);
% Run matlabbatch to create new SPM.mat file using SPM batch tools
if settings.overwrite || ~exist([trialDir 'beta_0001.img'], 'file')
fprintf('\nCreating SPM.mat file:\n%s\n\n', [trialDir 'SPM.mat']);
spm_jobman('serial', matlabbatch);
runBatches = 1;
runBatches = 0;
if runBatches
fprintf('\nEstimating model from SPM.mat file.\n');
spmFile = [trialDir 'SPM.mat'];
matlabbatch = estimateSpmFile(spmFile);
spm_jobman('serial', matlabbatch);
% Copy first beta image to beta directory
NewSpm = load(spmFile);
stopThat = false
for mBeta = 1:length(NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta)
if ~isempty(strfind(NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta(mBeta).descrip, singleName)) && ~stopThat
betaFile = [trialDir NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta(mBeta).fname];
stopThat = true
if strfind(betaFile, '.img')
[~, betaFileName, ~] = fileparts(betaFile);
system(['cp ' betaFile ' ' betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '_' singleName '.img']);
system(['cp ' trialDir betaFileName '.hdr ' betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '_' singleName '.hdr']);
elseif strfind(betaFile, '.nii')
system(['cp ' betaFile ' ' betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '_' singleName '.nii']);
% Discard extra files, if desired.
if settings.useTempFS
system(['rm -rf ' trialDir]);
% Make 4D image for each condition of interest in block.
for jCond = 1:length(includeConditions)
condVols = dir([betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '_' includeConditions{jCond} '*.img']);
if isempty(condVols)
condVols = dir([betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '_' includeConditions{jCond} '*.nii']);
cellVols = struct2cell(condVols);
cellVols = cellVols(1, :);
for kVol = 1:length(cellVols)
cellVols{kVol} = [betaDir cellVols{kVol} ',1'];
images{jCond}{iSess} = [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{jCond} '_Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '.nii'];
matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.cat.name = [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{jCond} '_Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '.nii'];
matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.cat.vols = cellVols';
matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.cat.dtype = 0;
if settings.overwrite || ~exist([betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{jCond} '_Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '.nii'], 'file')
save([betaDir '3Dto4D_jobfile.mat'], 'matlabbatch');
spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch);
fprintf('Exists: %s\n', [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{jCond} '_Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '.nii']);
% Delete data folder, if desired.
if settings.useTempFS
system(['rm -rf ' tempDir]);
parpool close
elseif settings.model == 1
spmFile = fullfile(outDir, 'SPM.mat');
counter = 1;
% Loop across sessions
for iSess = 1:length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess)
rows = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).row;
sessFiles = files(rows', :);
sessFiles = cellstr(sessFiles);
covariates = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).C.C;
onsets = {};
durations = {};
names = {};
for jCond = 1:length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U)
% Check for special condition names to lump together
if ~cellstrfind(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).name{1}, includeConditions, '')
onsets = [onsets OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).ons'];
durations = [durations OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).dur'];
singleName = [OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).name{1}];
names = [names singleName];
counter = counter + 1;
% Otherwise set up a regressor for each individual trial
includeConditions{length(includeConditions) + 1} = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).name{1};
for kTrial = 1:length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).ons)
onsets = [onsets OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).ons(kTrial)];
durations = [durations OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).dur(kTrial)];
singleName = [OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).name{1} '_' num2str(kTrial)];
names = [names singleName];
counter = counter + 1;
% Save regressor onset files
if settings.overwrite || ~exist(spmFile, 'file')
fprintf('Saving regressor onset files for Session %i: %i trials included\n', iSess, length(names));
regFile = [outDir 'st_regs_session_' num2str(iSess) '.mat'];
save(regFile, 'names', 'onsets', 'durations');
% Save covariates (e.g., motion parameters) that were specified
% in the original model
covFile = [outDir 'st_covs_session_' num2str(iSess) '.txt'];
dlmwrite(covFile, covariates, '\t');
% Create matlabbatch for creating new SPM.mat file
if iSess == 1
matlabbatch = createSpmBatch(outDir, OrigSpm.SPM);
matlabbatch = addSessionToBatch(matlabbatch, iSess, sessFiles, regFile, covFile, OrigSpm.SPM);
% Run matlabbatch to create new SPM.mat file using SPM batch tools
if settings.overwrite || ~exist(fullfile(outDir, 'SPM.mat'), 'file')
fprintf('\nCreating SPM.mat file:\n%s\n', fullfile(outDir, 'SPM.mat'));
spm('defaults', 'FMRI');
spm_jobman('serial', matlabbatch);
clear matlabbatch
fprintf('\nEstimating model from SPM.mat file.\n');
matlabbatch = estimateSpmFile(spmFile);
spm_jobman('serial', matlabbatch);
fprintf('Exists: %s\n', [outDir 'SPM.mat']);
clear matlabbatch
NewSpm = load(spmFile);
includeConditions = unique(includeConditions);
for iCond = 1:length(includeConditions)
counter = 1;
for jBeta = 1:length(NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta)
if strfind(NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta(jBeta).descrip, includeConditions{iCond})
cellVols{counter} = fullfile(NewSpm.SPM.swd, [NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta(jBeta).fname ',1']);
counter = counter + 1;
images{iCond}{1} = [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{iCond} '.nii'];
matlabbatch{iCond}.spm.util.cat.name = [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{iCond} '.nii'];
matlabbatch{iCond}.spm.util.cat.vols = cellVols';
matlabbatch{iCond}.spm.util.cat.dtype = 0;
clear cellVols
if settings.overwrite || ~exist([betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{end} '.nii'], 'file')
save([betaDir '3Dto4D_jobfile.mat'], 'matlabbatch');
spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch);
fprintf('Exists: %s\n', [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{end} '.nii']);
clear spmVar matlabbatch newSPM
% If you didn't set settings.model properly.
error('Specify model type as 1 or 2');
clear SPM
function matlabbatch = createSpmBatch(outDir, SPM)
% FORMAT matlabbatch = createSpmBatch(outDir, SPM)
% Subfunction for initializing the matlabbatch structure to create the SPM
% file.
% 140311 Created by Maureen Ritchey
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.dir = {outDir};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.timing.units = SPM.xBF.UNITS;
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.timing.RT = SPM.xY.RT;
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.timing.fmri_t = SPM.xBF.T;
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.timing.fmri_t0 = SPM.xBF.T0;
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.fact = struct('name', {}, 'levels', {});
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.bases.hrf.derivs = [0 0];
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.volt = SPM.xBF.Volterra;
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.global = 'None';
if isempty(SPM.xM.VM)
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.mask = {''};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.mask = {SPM.xM.VM.fname};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.cvi = SPM.xVi.form;
function matlabbatch = addSessionToBatch(matlabbatch, iSess, sessFiles, regFile, covFile, SPM)
% FORMAT matlabbatch = addSessionToBatch(matlabbatch, iSess, sessFiles, regFile, covFile, SPM)
% Subfunction for adding sessions to the matlabbatch structure.
% 140311 Created by Maureen Ritchey
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).scans = sessFiles; %fix this
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).cond = struct('name', {}, 'onset', {}, 'duration', {}, 'tmod', {}, 'pmod', {});
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).multi = {regFile};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).regress = struct('name', {}, 'val', {});
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).multi_reg = {covFile};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).hpf = SPM.xX.K(iSess).HParam;
function matlabbatch = estimateSpmFile(spmFile)
% FORMAT matlabbatch = estimateSpmFile(spmFile)
% Subfunction for creating a matlabbatch structure to estimate the SPM
% file.
% 140311 Created by Maureen Ritchey
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_est.spmmat = {spmFile};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_est.method.Classical = 1;
function [lssNames, lssOnsets, lssDurations] = lssMakeVectors(originalNames, originalOnsets, originalDurations, includeConditions)
% FORMAT [lssNames, lssOnsets, lssDurations] = lssMakeVectors(originalNames, originalOnsets, originalDurations, includeConditions)
% Uses SPM-format vectors (in variables corresponding to names, onsets, and
% durations) to create cell arrays of names, onsets, and durations for each
% LS-S model for conditions of interest.
% input
% originalNames: Cell array of condition names for a single block.
% originalOnsets: Cell array of trial onset vectors for a single block.
% originalDurations: Cell array of trial duration vectors for a single block.
% includeConditions: A cell array of events we wish to model with the
% beta LSS method.
% output
% lssNames: Cell array of LS-S condition names for a single
% block. Format lssNames{includedCondition}{conditionName}
% lssOnsets: Cell array of LS-S condition onsets for a single
% block. Format lssOnsets{includedCondition}{trialVersion}(trial)
% lssDurations: Cell array of LS-S condition durations for a single
% block. Format lssDurations{includedCondition}{trialVersion}(trial)
for iCond = 1:length(includeConditions)
% Determine where conditions of interest are in vectors.
% Setdiff reorders conditions, otherConditions must be reordered.
otherConditionsIdx = ~strcmp(includeConditions{iCond}, originalNames);
[otherConditions, originalOrder] = setdiff(originalNames, includeConditions{iCond});
[~, sortedOrder] = sort(originalOrder);
otherConditions = otherConditions(sortedOrder);
includeConditionIdx = find(~otherConditionsIdx);
% Check that condition of interest has more than one trial.
% If condition A only has one trial, you don't need both ConditionA_001
% and Other_ConditionA, because Other_ConditionA would be empty.
if ~isempty(setdiff(originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx}, originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx}(1)))
for jOnset = 1:length(originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx}),
% Create list of condition names
% (e.g. ConditionA_001, Other_ConditionA, ConditionB, ConditionC, etc.)
lssNames{iCond}{jOnset} = [{[originalNames{includeConditionIdx} '_' sprintf('%03d', jOnset)]...
['Other_' originalNames{includeConditionIdx}]}...
% Single trial
lssOnsets{iCond}{jOnset}{1} = originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx}(jOnset);
lssDurations{iCond}{jOnset}{1} = originalDurations{includeConditionIdx}(jOnset);
% Other trials of same condition
lssOnsets{iCond}{jOnset}{2} = originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx};
lssOnsets{iCond}{jOnset}{2}(jOnset) = [];
lssDurations{iCond}{jOnset}{2} = originalDurations{includeConditionIdx};
lssDurations{iCond}{jOnset}{2}(jOnset) = [];
% Other conditions
counter = 3; % A counter adjusts around the skipped condition.
for kCond = find(otherConditionsIdx)
lssOnsets{iCond}{jOnset}{counter} = originalOnsets{kCond};
lssDurations{iCond}{jOnset}{counter} = originalDurations{kCond};
counter = counter + 1;
% Single trial
lssNames{iCond}{1} = [{[originalNames{includeConditionIdx} '_' sprintf('%03d', 1)]} otherConditions];
lssOnsets{iCond}{1}{1} = originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx}(1);
lssDurations{iCond}{1}{1} = originalDurations{includeConditionIdx}(1);
% Other conditions
conditionCounter = 2; % A counter adjusts around the skipped condition.
for kCond = find(otherConditionsIdx)
lssOnsets{iCond}{1}{conditionCounter} = originalOnsets{kCond};
lssDurations{iCond}{1}{conditionCounter} = originalDurations{kCond};
conditionCounter = conditionCounter + 1;
function parsave(outFile, names, onsets, durations)
save(outFile, 'names', 'onsets', 'durations');
function images = lssGenerateBetasSpm(~, ~, ~, ~, ~)
% FORMAT images = lssGenerateBetasSpm(subject, spmDir, outDir, includeConditions, settings)
% This function takes an existing first-level SPM.mat file uses it to
% create one of two possible models: multi-regressor and multi-model.
% The multi-regressor approach estimates a single model with all trials
% represented by individual regressors. The multi-model approach estimates
% a model for each individual trial, setting the first regressor to the
% individual trial and all other regressors to be the same as the original
% model. Beta images are then moved and renamed in a single betas
% directory. The multi-regressor approach is similar to that described in
% Rissman et al. 2004 NI, and the multi-model approach is similar to the
% LS-S approach described in Turner et al. 2012 NI.
% This function is integrated with newLSS_correlation for beta-series
% functional connectivity with the multi-model approach through
% batch_newLSS.
% Inputs:
% subject: Subject ID. String.
% spmDir: Path to folder containing SPM.mat file. String.
% outDir: Path to output directory, where generated files
% will be saved. String.
% ignoreConditions: Conditions to be ignored. Set to NONE if you do
% not want to ignore any conditions. Cell array of
% strings.
% settings: Additional settings. Structure.
% settings.model: Which model type you wish to run: Rissman beta
% series (1) or LS-S multiple models (2). Double.
% settings.overwrite: Overwrite any pre-existing files (1) or not (0).
% Double.
% settings.deleteFiles: Delete intermediate files (1) or not (0). Double.
% Outputs:
% images: Cell array of 4D images generated by function in
% format images{conds}{sessImages}
% Requirements: SPM8, cellstrfind (Matlab function written by Taylor Salo)
% Created by Maureen Ritchey 121010
% Modified by Taylor Salo 140806-141216 according to adjustments suggested
% by Jeanette Mumford. LS-S now matches Turner et al. 2012 NI, where the
% design matrix basically matches the original design matrix (for a given
% block), except for the single trial being evaluated, which gets its own
% regressor. Also now you can ignore multiple conditions. I also added some
% overwrite stuff so that it won't re-run existing subjects if you don't
% want it to.