Beta for each trial in SPM / beta series analysis/ LS-A

I am new to fast event-related task-based fMRI analyses. I have a pilot participant who is performing the task. The task: Participant encodes images inside the scanner and 3 days later they do a retention test. Image duration: 2.5 seconds; ISI (different task versions are differing in ISI): 2-8 exponential distribution, 3-9 exponential distribution jitter. (and 2 more with minor changes).

My aim right now is to see if the BOLD responses to the consecutive images are separable.

My question is how can I check this? When I build the GLM, I need to enter contrasts (a potential contrast is remembered > forgotten images), but that does not answer my question and it only gives averaged betas in SPM. (Another question regarding that is below).

I found out about LS-A analyses. I also found out about the Beta series analyses. I believe I will have to use each stimulus as a regressor and assess the collinearity between trial BOLD responses? Could anyone please suggest a quick way to check if the BOLD responses can be separated out?

I am using SPM for analyses and right now I ran remembered > forgotten contrast. In the SPM.xX.xKXs.X file output, I do see beta for every volume taken. How does this compare with the beta series analysis?

(In future, I wish to also use fmriprep output files in SPM)

Hi any reason why this question looks grey in the home page? Just want to ensure that it’s reaching the community and not just me because it’s grey.

It typically turns gray once you’ve followed the link/viewed the question.

I can’t really speak to this. I believe Jeanette Mumford has a paper that touches on this (see here), but I haven’t read it in detail.

From what I can recall, least squares- separate (LSS) is better for fast event-related designs than LSA, so perhaps try that if you are concerned about overlapping BOLD responses.

If you want to actually run an LSA or LSS model, you’ll need to create a GLM for it. I don’t think you’ll be able to glean much from the standard GLM.

This isn’t what you want. It’s been a long time since I used SPM, so I can’t say for sure, but I think this is the filtered, whitened, and fitted design matrix. You want a beta for each trial, rather than each volume.

I have some code to run LSS with SPM that I haven’t touched in 7 years (!), but it might still work? I think I tested it on SPM12 back when I wrote it.

There may also be more up-to-date methods out there if you’re committed to using SPM, but I am not aware of them. Alternatively, you could use Nilearn for this. The Nilearn documentation actually has an example that shows both LSA and LSS modeling: Beta-Series Modeling for Task-Based Functional Connectivity and Decoding - Nilearn

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Hi Thanks so much for the comprehensive message. I will take a look at the code.
After asking around I realized that perhaps calculating variance inflation factor would help me assess collinearity ( overlapping BOLD responses will increase the VIF). But for this I am assuming that building a model with each stimulus as an individual regressor will be the only way. Am I correct to interpret this?

I understand that I can use LS-A or LS-S for some analyses later like MVPA . But for my question, I would still need to build LSA or LSS, right?

Thanks again.

Hi I am using the following code from @tsalo 's github to model each event as a seperate regressor. I changed certain things to be able to run on Windows and latest MATLAB version.

However, I am getting an error that the Syntax of the command is not correct. Everytime its also throwing an error that one or the other variable is not defined. Example: includeConditions or lssMakeVectors etc. I tried to fix it however I do not know why it is doing so.

The syntax of the command is incorrect error is shown after :

"Loading previous model for sub-P02:

Getting model information…
Modeling 629 timepoints across 2 sessions.
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the ‘Processes’ profile …
Connected to parallel pool with 14 workers.

ans =

ProcessPool with properties:

        Connected: true
       NumWorkers: 14
             Busy: false
          Cluster: Processes (Local Cluster)
    AttachedFiles: {}
AutoAddClientPath: true
        FileStore: [1x1 parallel.FileStore]
       ValueStore: [1x1 parallel.ValueStore]
      IdleTimeout: 30 minutes (30 minutes remaining)
      SpmdEnabled: true

The syntax of the command is incorrect."
Could you please help?

spmDir = 'C:\Users\TheMemoryLab\Desktop\Pilot_Bernat\sub-P02\1stlevel_image_cross'; %insert path to the directory of SPM.mat file'
subject= 'sub-P02'; %it must be a string, hence in single quotes
outDir = 'C:\Users\TheMemoryLab\Desktop\Pilot_Bernat\sub-P02\1stlevel_image_cross\LS-S';
settings.model = 2  %this is for multi-model ; its 1 for multi regressor.
settings.useTempFS = true
includeConditions = {}

% Load pre-existing SPM file containing model information 
% \n is to break line
% %s: is any string that you will add in the next argument. 2 %s means you
% need  2 arguments. 
fprintf('\nLoading previous model for %s:\n%s\n', subject, [spmDir, '/SPM.mat']);
if exist([spmDir '/SPM.mat'],'file')
    OrigSpm = load([spmDir '/SPM.mat']);
    error('Cannot find SPM.mat file.');

%Not sure why we need the following code if we define the path for outDir
if ~exist(outDir, 'dir')
    fprintf('\nCreating directory:\n%s\n', outDir);

temporaryRootFolder = ['/run/shm/' getenv('USERNAME') '/'];  %It was 'USER' originally. It only works for Mac. For windows its username.
tempDir = [temporaryRootFolder subject '/'];

% Get model information from SPM file
fprintf('\nGetting model information...\n');
files = OrigSpm.SPM.xY.P; % .P i the subfield with file names of BOLD data loaded

fprintf('Modeling %i timepoints across %i sessions.\n', size(files, 1), length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess));  %i is the place holder for integer argument that will follow later
%size(files, 1) is number of total images = 629

% Make trial directory
betaDir = [outDir 'betas/'];

if ~exist(betaDir, 'dir')    %Not sure whats the point of having this code if we are explicity making the directory before

if settings.model == 2
    %This initializes the SPM job management system. 
    % It sets up the environment required to run SPM jobs from within MATLAB 
    % without the graphical user interface (GUI). 
    % This step is crucial for running SPM in a non-interactive manner, 
    % such as within a script or batch process

    spm('defaults', 'FMRI');
    parpool  %used parpool instead of matlabpool originally. Its no longer supported.

    if settings.useTempFS
        [nRows, nCols] = size(files);
        index = 1:nCols;
        for iRow = 1:nRows
            index = intersect(index, find(OrigSpm.SPM.xY.P(1, :) == OrigSpm.SPM.xY.P(iRow, :)));

        indexDiff = diff(index)==1;
        consecutiveIndex = find([false, indexDiff]~=[indexDiff, false]);
        lastConsecutive = consecutiveIndex(2:2:end);
        newFiles = cellstr(files);
        for iFile = 1:nRows
            oldPath = fileparts(files(iFile, 1:lastConsecutive));
            newFile = strrep(files(iFile, :), oldPath, tempDir);
            newFiles{iFile} = newFile;
            newDataDir = fileparts(newFile);
            if ~exist(newDataDir, 'dir')
            system(['copy /Y ' files(iFile,  1:end-2) ' ' newFile(1:end-2)]); %replaced cp with copy to work in Windows

    % Loop across sessions
    for iSess = 1:length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess)
        rows = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).row;
        if settings.useTempFS
            sessFiles = newFiles(rows);
            sessFiles = files(rows', :);
            sessFiles = cellstr(sessFiles);
        covariates = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).C.C;
        originalNames = cell(1, length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U));
        originalOnsets = cell(1, length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U));
        originalDurations = cell(1, length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U));
        for jCond = 1:length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U)
            originalNames{jCond} = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).name{1};
            originalOnsets{jCond} = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).ons;
            originalDurations{jCond} = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).dur;
        [lssNames, lssOnsets, lssDurations] = lssMakeVectors(originalNames, originalOnsets, originalDurations, includeConditions);
        for jCond = 1:length(includeConditions)
            if settings.overwrite || ~exist([betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{jCond} '_Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '.nii'], 'file')
                % As long as the current condition is in includeConditions,
                % set up a model for each individual trial.
                parfor kTrial = 1:length(lssOnsets{jCond})
                    singleName = lssNames{jCond}{kTrial}{1};
                    names = lssNames{jCond}{kTrial};
                    onsets = lssOnsets{jCond}{kTrial};
                    durations = lssDurations{jCond}{kTrial};
                    % Make trial directory
                    if settings.useTempFS
                        trialDir = [tempDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '/' singleName '/'];
                        trialDir = [betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '/' singleName '/'];
                    if ~exist(trialDir,'dir')

                    % Save regressor onset files
                    regFile = [trialDir 'st_regs.mat'];
                    parsave(regFile, names, onsets, durations);

                    covFile = [trialDir 'st_covs.txt'];
                    dlmwrite(covFile, covariates, '\t');

                    % Create matlabbatch for creating new SPM.mat file
                    matlabbatch = createSpmBatch(trialDir, OrigSpm.SPM);
                    matlabbatch = addSessionToBatch(matlabbatch, 1, sessFiles, regFile, covFile, OrigSpm.SPM);
                    % Run matlabbatch to create new SPM.mat file using SPM batch tools
                    if settings.overwrite || ~exist([trialDir 'beta_0001.img'], 'file')
                        fprintf('\nCreating SPM.mat file:\n%s\n\n', [trialDir 'SPM.mat']);
                        spm_jobman('serial', matlabbatch);
                        runBatches = 1;
                        runBatches = 0;

                    if runBatches
                        fprintf('\nEstimating model from SPM.mat file.\n');
                        spmFile = [trialDir 'SPM.mat'];
                        matlabbatch = estimateSpmFile(spmFile);
                        spm_jobman('serial', matlabbatch);

                        % Copy first beta image to beta directory
                        NewSpm = load(spmFile);
                        stopThat = false
                        for mBeta = 1:length(NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta)
                            if ~isempty(strfind(NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta(mBeta).descrip, singleName)) && ~stopThat
                                betaFile = [trialDir NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta(mBeta).fname];
                                stopThat = true
                        if strfind(betaFile, '.img')
                            [~, betaFileName, ~] = fileparts(betaFile);
                            system(['cp ' betaFile ' ' betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '_' singleName '.img']);
                            system(['cp ' trialDir betaFileName '.hdr ' betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '_' singleName '.hdr']);
                        elseif strfind(betaFile, '.nii')
                            system(['cp ' betaFile ' ' betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '_' singleName '.nii']);

                        % Discard extra files, if desired.
                        if settings.useTempFS
                            system(['rm -rf ' trialDir]);
        % Make 4D image for each condition of interest in block.
        for jCond = 1:length(includeConditions)
            condVols = dir([betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '_' includeConditions{jCond} '*.img']);
            if isempty(condVols)
                condVols = dir([betaDir 'Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '_' includeConditions{jCond} '*.nii']);

            cellVols = struct2cell(condVols);
            cellVols = cellVols(1, :);
            for kVol = 1:length(cellVols)
                cellVols{kVol} = [betaDir cellVols{kVol} ',1'];
            images{jCond}{iSess} = [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{jCond} '_Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '.nii'];
            matlabbatch{1} = [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{jCond} '_Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '.nii'];
            matlabbatch{1} = cellVols';
            matlabbatch{1} = 0;
            if settings.overwrite || ~exist([betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{jCond} '_Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '.nii'], 'file')
                save([betaDir '3Dto4D_jobfile.mat'], 'matlabbatch');
                spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch);
                fprintf('Exists: %s\n', [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{jCond} '_Sess' sprintf('%03d', iSess) '.nii']);
    % Delete data folder, if desired.
    if settings.useTempFS
        system(['rm -rf ' tempDir]);
    parpool close

elseif settings.model == 1
    spmFile = fullfile(outDir, 'SPM.mat');
    counter = 1;

    % Loop across sessions
    for iSess = 1:length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess)
        rows = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).row;
        sessFiles = files(rows', :);
        sessFiles = cellstr(sessFiles);
        covariates = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).C.C;

        onsets = {};
        durations = {};
        names = {};

        for jCond = 1:length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U)
            % Check for special condition names to lump together
            if ~cellstrfind(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).name{1}, includeConditions, '')
                onsets = [onsets OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).ons'];
                durations = [durations OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).dur'];
                singleName = [OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).name{1}];
                names = [names singleName];
                counter = counter + 1;
            % Otherwise set up a regressor for each individual trial
                includeConditions{length(includeConditions) + 1} = OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).name{1};
                for kTrial = 1:length(OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).ons)
                    onsets = [onsets OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).ons(kTrial)];
                    durations = [durations OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).dur(kTrial)];
                    singleName = [OrigSpm.SPM.Sess(iSess).U(jCond).name{1} '_' num2str(kTrial)];
                    names = [names singleName];
                    counter = counter + 1;

        % Save regressor onset files
        if settings.overwrite || ~exist(spmFile, 'file')
            fprintf('Saving regressor onset files for Session %i: %i trials included\n', iSess, length(names));
            regFile = [outDir 'st_regs_session_' num2str(iSess) '.mat'];
            save(regFile, 'names', 'onsets', 'durations');

            % Save covariates (e.g., motion parameters) that were specified
            % in the original model
            covFile = [outDir 'st_covs_session_' num2str(iSess) '.txt'];
            dlmwrite(covFile, covariates, '\t');

            % Create matlabbatch for creating new SPM.mat file
            if iSess == 1
                matlabbatch = createSpmBatch(outDir, OrigSpm.SPM);
            matlabbatch = addSessionToBatch(matlabbatch, iSess, sessFiles, regFile, covFile, OrigSpm.SPM);
    % Run matlabbatch to create new SPM.mat file using SPM batch tools
    if settings.overwrite || ~exist(fullfile(outDir, 'SPM.mat'), 'file')
        fprintf('\nCreating SPM.mat file:\n%s\n', fullfile(outDir, 'SPM.mat'));
        spm('defaults', 'FMRI');
        spm_jobman('serial', matlabbatch);
        clear matlabbatch

        fprintf('\nEstimating model from SPM.mat file.\n');
        matlabbatch = estimateSpmFile(spmFile);
        spm_jobman('serial', matlabbatch);
        fprintf('Exists: %s\n', [outDir 'SPM.mat']);
    clear matlabbatch
    NewSpm = load(spmFile);
    includeConditions = unique(includeConditions);
    for iCond = 1:length(includeConditions)
        counter = 1;
        for jBeta = 1:length(NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta)
            if strfind(NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta(jBeta).descrip, includeConditions{iCond})
                cellVols{counter} = fullfile(NewSpm.SPM.swd, [NewSpm.SPM.Vbeta(jBeta).fname ',1']);
                counter = counter + 1;
        images{iCond}{1} = [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{iCond} '.nii'];
        matlabbatch{iCond} = [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{iCond} '.nii'];
        matlabbatch{iCond} = cellVols';
        matlabbatch{iCond} = 0;
        clear cellVols
    if settings.overwrite || ~exist([betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{end} '.nii'], 'file')
        save([betaDir '3Dto4D_jobfile.mat'], 'matlabbatch');
        spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch);
        fprintf('Exists: %s\n', [betaDir '4D_' includeConditions{end} '.nii']);
    clear spmVar matlabbatch newSPM

% If you didn't set settings.model properly.
    error('Specify model type as 1 or 2');

clear SPM

function matlabbatch = createSpmBatch(outDir, SPM)
% FORMAT matlabbatch = createSpmBatch(outDir, SPM)
% Subfunction for initializing the matlabbatch structure to create the SPM
% file.
% 140311 Created by Maureen Ritchey
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.dir = {outDir};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.timing.units = SPM.xBF.UNITS;
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.timing.RT = SPM.xY.RT;
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.timing.fmri_t = SPM.xBF.T;
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.timing.fmri_t0 = SPM.xBF.T0;
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.fact = struct('name', {}, 'levels', {});
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.bases.hrf.derivs = [0 0];
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.volt = SPM.xBF.Volterra;
matlabbatch{1} = 'None';
if isempty(SPM.xM.VM)
    matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.mask = {''};
    matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.mask = {SPM.xM.VM.fname};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.cvi = SPM.xVi.form;

function matlabbatch = addSessionToBatch(matlabbatch, iSess, sessFiles, regFile, covFile, SPM)
% FORMAT matlabbatch = addSessionToBatch(matlabbatch, iSess, sessFiles, regFile, covFile, SPM)
% Subfunction for adding sessions to the matlabbatch structure.
% 140311 Created by Maureen Ritchey
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).scans = sessFiles; %fix this
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).cond = struct('name', {}, 'onset', {}, 'duration', {}, 'tmod', {}, 'pmod', {});
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).multi = {regFile};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).regress = struct('name', {}, 'val', {});
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).multi_reg = {covFile};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_spec.sess(iSess).hpf = SPM.xX.K(iSess).HParam;

function matlabbatch = estimateSpmFile(spmFile)
% FORMAT matlabbatch = estimateSpmFile(spmFile)
% Subfunction for creating a matlabbatch structure to estimate the SPM
% file.
% 140311 Created by Maureen Ritchey
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_est.spmmat = {spmFile};
matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_est.method.Classical = 1;

function [lssNames, lssOnsets, lssDurations] = lssMakeVectors(originalNames, originalOnsets, originalDurations, includeConditions)
% FORMAT [lssNames, lssOnsets, lssDurations] = lssMakeVectors(originalNames, originalOnsets, originalDurations, includeConditions)
% Uses SPM-format vectors (in variables corresponding to names, onsets, and
% durations) to create cell arrays of names, onsets, and durations for each
% LS-S model for conditions of interest.
% input
% originalNames:        Cell array of condition names for a single block.
% originalOnsets:       Cell array of trial onset vectors for a single block.
% originalDurations:    Cell array of trial duration vectors for a single block.
% includeConditions:    A cell array of events we wish to model with the
%                       beta LSS method.
% output
% lssNames:             Cell array of LS-S condition names for a single
%                       block. Format lssNames{includedCondition}{conditionName}
% lssOnsets:            Cell array of LS-S condition onsets for a single
%                       block. Format lssOnsets{includedCondition}{trialVersion}(trial)
% lssDurations:         Cell array of LS-S condition durations for a single
%                       block. Format lssDurations{includedCondition}{trialVersion}(trial)
for iCond = 1:length(includeConditions)
    % Determine where conditions of interest are in vectors.
    % Setdiff reorders conditions, otherConditions must be reordered.
    otherConditionsIdx = ~strcmp(includeConditions{iCond}, originalNames);
    [otherConditions, originalOrder] = setdiff(originalNames, includeConditions{iCond});
    [~, sortedOrder] = sort(originalOrder);
    otherConditions = otherConditions(sortedOrder);
    includeConditionIdx = find(~otherConditionsIdx);
    % Check that condition of interest has more than one trial.
    % If condition A only has one trial, you don't need both ConditionA_001
    % and Other_ConditionA, because Other_ConditionA would be empty.
    if ~isempty(setdiff(originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx}, originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx}(1)))
        for jOnset = 1:length(originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx}),
            % Create list of condition names
            % (e.g. ConditionA_001, Other_ConditionA, ConditionB, ConditionC, etc.)
            lssNames{iCond}{jOnset} = [{[originalNames{includeConditionIdx} '_' sprintf('%03d', jOnset)]...
                                        ['Other_' originalNames{includeConditionIdx}]}...
            % Single trial
            lssOnsets{iCond}{jOnset}{1} = originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx}(jOnset);
            lssDurations{iCond}{jOnset}{1} = originalDurations{includeConditionIdx}(jOnset);
            % Other trials of same condition
            lssOnsets{iCond}{jOnset}{2} = originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx};
            lssOnsets{iCond}{jOnset}{2}(jOnset) = [];
            lssDurations{iCond}{jOnset}{2} = originalDurations{includeConditionIdx};
            lssDurations{iCond}{jOnset}{2}(jOnset) = [];

            % Other conditions
            counter = 3; % A counter adjusts around the skipped condition.
            for kCond = find(otherConditionsIdx)
                lssOnsets{iCond}{jOnset}{counter} = originalOnsets{kCond};
                lssDurations{iCond}{jOnset}{counter} = originalDurations{kCond};
                counter = counter + 1;
        % Single trial
        lssNames{iCond}{1} = [{[originalNames{includeConditionIdx} '_' sprintf('%03d', 1)]} otherConditions];
        lssOnsets{iCond}{1}{1} = originalOnsets{includeConditionIdx}(1);
        lssDurations{iCond}{1}{1} = originalDurations{includeConditionIdx}(1);
        % Other conditions
        conditionCounter = 2; % A counter adjusts around the skipped condition.
        for kCond = find(otherConditionsIdx)
            lssOnsets{iCond}{1}{conditionCounter} = originalOnsets{kCond};
            lssDurations{iCond}{1}{conditionCounter} = originalDurations{kCond};
            conditionCounter = conditionCounter + 1;

function parsave(outFile, names, onsets, durations)
save(outFile, 'names', 'onsets', 'durations');

function images = lssGenerateBetasSpm(~, ~, ~, ~, ~)

% FORMAT images = lssGenerateBetasSpm(subject, spmDir, outDir, includeConditions, settings)
% This function takes an existing first-level SPM.mat file uses it to
% create one of two possible models: multi-regressor and multi-model.
% The multi-regressor approach estimates a single model with all trials
% represented by individual regressors. The multi-model approach estimates
% a model for each individual trial, setting the first regressor to the
% individual trial and all other regressors to be the same as the original
% model. Beta images are then moved and renamed in a single betas
% directory. The multi-regressor approach is similar to that described in
% Rissman et al. 2004 NI, and the multi-model approach is similar to the
% LS-S approach described in Turner et al. 2012 NI.
% This function is integrated with newLSS_correlation for beta-series
% functional connectivity with the multi-model approach through
% batch_newLSS.
% Inputs:
% subject:               Subject ID. String.
% spmDir:                Path to folder containing SPM.mat file. String.
% outDir:                Path to output directory, where generated files
%                        will be saved. String.
% ignoreConditions:      Conditions to be ignored. Set to NONE if you do
%                        not want to ignore any conditions. Cell array of
%                        strings.
% settings:              Additional settings. Structure.
% settings.model:        Which model type you wish to run: Rissman beta
%                        series (1) or LS-S multiple models (2). Double.
% settings.overwrite:    Overwrite any pre-existing files (1) or not (0).
%                        Double.
% settings.deleteFiles:  Delete intermediate files (1) or not (0). Double.
% Outputs:
% images:                Cell array of 4D images generated by function in
%                        format images{conds}{sessImages}
% Requirements: SPM8, cellstrfind (Matlab function written by Taylor Salo)
% Created by Maureen Ritchey 121010
% Modified by Taylor Salo 140806-141216 according to adjustments suggested 
% by Jeanette Mumford. LS-S now matches Turner et al. 2012 NI, where the
% design matrix basically matches the original design matrix (for a given
% block), except for the single trial being evaluated, which gets its own
% regressor. Also now you can ignore multiple conditions. I also added some
% overwrite stuff so that it won't re-run existing subjects if you don't
% want it to.

@Madhura_Lotlikar it’s been almost a decade since I wrote or used that code, so there may have been changes to MATLAB or SPM that would break parts of it. Unfortunately, I can’t immediately tell what those broken parts are. If you have the time and energy, I would recommend adding in print statements and running in debug mode to try to find what specific lines are causing the problem. Otherwise, there might be alternatives out there that are more up-to-date.

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Thanks Taylor. I will try to find out. If not, I will use nilearn code. Not sure if it can use SPM.mat file or I need to build the design again. But I will check.

Maybe try to remove the parfor loop first and things related to parallel processing

Will slow things down but at least it will run.

Hi everyone again @Remi-Gau @tsalo

Thank you for your responses. I ran the nilearn LSA modelling code (Beta-Series Modeling for Task-Based Functional Connectivity and Decoding - Nilearn) which worked. I extracted the LSA model from “lsa_glm.design_matrices_[0]”.

I wanted to confirm my understanding of the values in that data frame:
Are these HRF convolved values (since I see some -ve values too)? If so, why are they different for different time points? I would assume if we are using the same HRF model, then the values should be the same for all stimuli (except that they are occurring at different time points). Or is it something that is modelled too because our brain won’t have exactly the same BOLD response?

Thank you for your help.

The design matrix will have HRF-convolved time series.

Are you referring to the design matrix still? If so, then the predicted amplitudes should be the same across trials, as is the case in the Nilearn example. Did you maybe include some kind of modulation in the model? E.g., varying the duration of the trials based on response time, or using response time as a parametric modulator?

Any variation of the amplitudes of the trial-wise regressors in the design matrix probably depend on how you specified the model. The same HRF is convolved with each trial-wise regressor.