Summary of what happened:

Hello, I am currently running the bids-validator on an updated version of this OpenNeuro dataset: OpenNeuro. Previously, this dataset only had two warnings, unrelated to the current issue. We are now receiving warnings for each echo files’ .json missing metadata. As this dataset is quite large, each missing metadata warning amounts to ~25,000 warnings, leading to a total of ~450,000 warnings.

The site MR technician does not think this metadata is collected at the DICOM level (Siemens 3T).

Is there a way to manually generate these fields if the metadata does in fact exist? If the metadata does not exist, how can I bypass the warnings on OpenNeuro upload. The current total of warnings causes a crash post-validation.

Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):

bids-validator /root/ds005123/


Deno version: 2.1.4
bids version: 1.9.0
bids-validator version: 2.0.1
heudiconv version: 1.3.2
dcm2niix version: 1.0.20241211

Environment (Docker, Singularity / Apptainer, custom installation):

Apptainer for dcm2niix and heudiconv
Deno for bids-validator

Data formatted according to a validatable standard? Please provide the output of the validator:

[WARNING] SIDECAR_KEY_RECOMMENDED A data file's JSON sidecar is missing a key listed as recommended.

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Screenshots / relevant information:

I have tried the following troubleshooting steps, condensed for the sake of brevity:

  1. Attempted to manually extract DICOM metadeta using pydicom. Was able to retrieve non-problematic fields, but none of the metadata described in the validator warnings.

  2. Deleted .heudiconv folder in bids/ and regenerated

  3. Ran dcm2niix without heudiconv conversion

  4. Confirmed with site MR technician that this metadata is not collected (to the best of their knowledge)

Originally, the BIDS specification was written in plain text, and the validator was written by hand, which meant that you would have a lot of mismatches. The original validator did not cover all of BIDS, and also included some warnings that, although helpful, not written anywhere in the specification.

For various reasons, this was unsustainable, and so a schema was written to be the ground truth for both the specification and the validator, and BIDS Validator 2.0 depends on the schema. See this blog post for more history.

One thing that had to be decided was what to do with metadata recommendations. Some were warnings, while others were silently ignored, but now we wanted to make decisions based on the schema and not based on historical choices. If RECOMMENDED is to mean anything, we decided, it has to mean warn on absence. That we had not always been doing this meant that the spread of RECOMMENDED fields that cannot reasonably be expected of most users went unnoticed, and now it is an absolute flood.

My personal preference is that we go through the spec and demote many RECOMMENDED fields to OPTIONAL. They may be genuinely nice to have, but too many warnings is the same as none, as they all get ignored. Would you be up for opening an issue with a specific proposal to demote the fields that you’re seeing and unable to provide?

Absolutely, and thanks so much for the quick response. I will do a double-check to make sure there aren’t any we’re just missing. The issue should be posted sometime tonight or tomorrow. Thanks again!

Looking specifically at the warnings you have now…

A number of these probably just need to be made more focused, e.g., EffectiveEchoSpacing is important for EPI, but not T1w.

Some I think are probably logic errors, either in the schema or the validator. I don’t think DelayTime or AcquisitionDuration were ever intended to be RECOMMENDED, since they only apply in sparse acquisition sequences.

I think Instructions, TaskDescription and CogPOID were originally intentionally warnings, and the idea there was that they would need to be manually provided, since they wouldn’t be in DICOM. I think you’re likely to get some pushback on abolishing these warnings entirely, as the idea is to make the dataset more understandable to someone receiving the dataset, but it might be feasible to propose a single warning if all are absent.

1 Like

Would it make sense to propose combining warning messages across files? For example, we have the same number (24,435) of warnings for 9 different metadata fields. Instead of creating 219,915 errors, what if you combined the metadata keys into one warning. For example:

```[WARNING] SIDECAR_KEY_RECOMMENDED A data file's JSON sidecar is missing a key listed as recommended.

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Could become:

	[WARNING] SIDECAR_KEY_RECOMMENDED A data file's JSON sidecar is missing a key listed as recommended.
		GradientSetType, MRTransmitCoilSequence, PulseSequenceType, etc. 

		24435 more files with the same issue

This solution may be a little surface-level, as I am self-admittedly a BIDS novice. However, I do think it provides a happy-medium between not fully disregarding the nature of the issue and dealing with the fact that you’re likely unable to provide it. Even something like the --verbose could just expand on the warnings for those that want to see them/address them. Now that I am reading back your response, is this essentially what you were proposing as the “one warning if all were missing”?

GitHub issue posted here: Reduce Cumbersome BIDS Validator Warnings for SIDECAR_KEY_RECOMMENDED Missing Metadata · Issue #2040 · bids-standard/bids-specification · GitHub

@coopersharp You asked if there was a way to bypass the warnings.

Are you aware of the --ignoreWarnings flag?

A config file can also be specified with -c to ignore certain warnings/errors.

@Jefferson_Casimir I like that idea for local purposes, but I don’t think that we would be able to apply our config file to an OpenNeuro upload, would we? That is really the main holdup here, as I can stomach warnings when validating locally, but OpenNeuro crashes when it tries to handle the amount that we have. My current understanding is that OpenNeuro has it’s own config files and standards.

Hey @Jefferson_Casimir, it looks like you’re right. Apparently you can use that flag via the OpenNeuro command line interface. Thank you for this suggestion! I’ll give it a try and see if this fixes our problem, thank you!

Find the suggestion by nellh at this link: