Brain networks mask - older adults


I am currently running an analysis with brain networks (DMN, salience, Frontoparietal and dorsalattention) but I realized that they are for a young adult sample and my sample is between 65-80 years old so i have trying to look for brain-network mask but i did not find any.

In the CONN toolbox there is a network.nii mask with all the networks inside and there is a txt file with the coordinates of each ROIs but i dont know if in SPM i can make the software to just extract the bold signal from the whole network i want

So, my main questions are:

  1. Does anyone have those brain networks masks in .nii format from a older - adult population, cognitively normal, and can share them with me?

  2. Do you know a brain network repository for get them?

  3. Do you know if there is a way to extract the bold signal from the network.nii file attached (Neurostars do not let me to upload it)?

    networks.txt (1021 Bytes)

Thank you so much!