Converting fMRI (nii) data to Regional Connectivity Matrix (Connectome) - Has this been done?


I’m interested in the analyzing the connectivity of BOLD signals in fMRI data with Machine Learning but Im at an impasse with the sheer size of these images. So, I want to pivot and create connectivity matrices from the data instead. However, I’m not sure how to do this or if it has been done for fMRI.

If anyone has resources (papers, tutorials, videos, etc), please direct me there. Thank you so much!


After preprocessing your data with fMRIPrep, you can post-process and create connectivity matrices using XCP_D. Both of these websites contain documentation for how to run the softwares and what the outputs look like.


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Thank you so much, Steven! I’ve been looking for something like this for the longest time! I really appreciate you for this.

If you’re not afraid of Python scripting, you can consider using Nilearn:

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This is awesome too! I’m primarily working in Python for all of my work and have been meaning to look into Nilearn for the longest. So I appreciate this so much too. Thank you very much, Bertrand!