Dear Experts,
I am having some challenges getting the customLabels flag to work with dcm2bids for ANY of my scans.
I have linked to the full config file here.
I have spent nearly two days trying to figure out what may be going wrong, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t seem to work.
For example, for the DWI image, in the associated sidecar file, I see the term:
“PhaseEncodingDirection”: “j”
dcm2bids is able to find this sidecar file, as seen here:
However, something just goes wrong. dcm2bids ignores the “PhaseEncodingDirection” tag in the json file and instead, labels the scan as a new run without adding “dir-AP” or “dir-PA” to the title.
I haven’t been able to find any other information online about why this has occurred. the terms that i am using is in BIDs format, so the feedback found here doesnt seem to apply, unless i am very much mistaken.
What i would like is some advice about why this may occur. I can’t believe i am the first to experience this, so if any of you fine folks found a fix, please do let me know. I would happily buy you a coffee.
Thank you for any and all help!