See post indexed_gzip.indexed_gzip.ZranError: zran_read returned error: ZRAN_READ_FAIL for details of this issue.
I am running into the error described in the above post where every time I rerun fmriprep, it requires me to rerun freesurfer otherwise it errors out midway through autorecon1 even though freesurfer is complete. Currently I believe fMRIprep is just hitting memory or hard drive related errors in bold_confounds_wf with dvars, compcor, acompcor, crowncompcor.
Do any of these modules depend on freesurfer outputs? If not, then I will just rerun fMRIprep with the “no freesurfer” flag to complete confound generation. I am able to successfully generate registered processed bold images but it just randomly errors out on some of the confounds.