_e3 and _e4 (as well as _e1 and _e2 and _ph) from Siemens fieldmaps

Hi all,
I’m having trouble with BIDS-formatting from siemens when I get lots of files for my fieldmaps. I’ve looked through the threads below and none mention having _e3 and _e4 like I do. (I’ve also tried many different things, none will pass bids, listed below)

Threads of similar problems that I’ve looked through:

I’ve also scoured the BIDS specification and examples and can’t find anything

Here’s a screenshot of folder of fmap files (of one subject, one session) post-dcm2niix. How would I convert this to BIDS? I’ve tried a bunch of things, including:

  • putting the e3 e4 etc. into the ‘acq-’ section and making the ending just phasediff/magnitude
  • making the endings phase1, phase2, phase3, / magnitude1, magnitude2…
  • making the endings phasediff1, phasediff2, phasediff3 / magnitude1, magnitude2…
  • not differentiating and just using ‘run-1’ ‘run-2’ etc

How do I differentiate these files?

Thanks so much for any help,