fMRI data for orientation decoding in visual cortex _ ds000113c

Hey guys !
I’m currently working on “ds000113c” dataset available in openNeuro . I was wondering where i can find the T1 structural images . Because without them i’m unable to coregister the images . this happened to me also in “ds000113b” Music listening task .

ds000113 ( should have the anatomical. We are planning to upload a version which will combine the three datasets (since they include data from the same participants).


I’m so confused about this task !
why we have two semi annular patches in each trial ??
I’m failed to understand how we label trials in clustering !!
any help would be appreciated
thank you !

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Thanks for the help !

@ChrisGorgolewski That’s my question too . I read a paper on this dataset. They divided the task into 4 labels yet there could be 25 different conditions.

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@eknahm knows the Study Forrest dataset best. Hopefully he will be able to help

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Yes, there were indeed two simultaneous stimulations, one in each hemifield. The orientation at any given time is recorded in the events files.


thank you for answering.
But my exact question is, if for instant in one specific trial,the right hemifield is 45 and the left one is 135, witch label is appropriate for this trial ? 45 or 135 ?
thank you for your time and I appreciated you answer

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There is no single label. The stimulation is randomized across hemifields to avoid confounds. Hence is a LH label and a RH label. If you need a single label you would have to come up with one – but I cannot say much in this regard, as I have no information on what the goal of the analysis is.

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