Fmriprep and docker2singularity

Dear experts,

I am planning to use fmriprep on a HPC with no admin rights and as you can image, installation is challenging.
Luckily is an (old) singularity version installed on the HPC but no docker. Currently I am trying to use docker to create a singularity image on my private computer, but there are several errors occuring. As far as I have understood, the image that would be created by docker for singularity, is always the same. Is there any chance that you can share the fmriprep image on the website so that users could circumvent the docker step or are there other reasons (that I am not aware of) that everyone needs to create an image on his own?

Thanks for the help! Looking forward to using fmriprep once it is installed!
Best wishes

What version of singularity is installed on your hcp?

Hi Chris,
Thanks for your super-fast reply! The version of singularity is 2.3.1
Best wishes

What are the errors you are getting with docker2singularity?

Hi Oscar,
Thanks for looking into the matter!
So, the last error on Docker (using Windows 10) was:

"tar: (various names such as /etc/modules-load.d) Directory renamed before its status could be extracted. "

Best wishes