Hi all. When I performed fMRIPrep, just one subject had this error: No such file or directory ‘[’/wd/fmriprep_23_1_wf/single_subject_05chenyun_wf/fmap_preproc_wf/wf_auto_00000/syn/fmap_syn0Warp.nii.gz’]’ for output ‘reverse_forward_transforms’ of a FixHeaderRegistration interface.
And even if I deleted the wd folder and reran again, the same error occurred. Could you help me out? Thanks!
Hi @bin_liu , welcome to Neurostars!
To be able to help you, could you please fill the template provided for the Software Support category (the template appears when you create a new question for this category)? Thank you!
Thanks. I have made it.
Could you answer my question? I will be pretty appreciated.
I am sorry I don’t see additional information in your original post. The template looks like this: