That seemed to do the trick and now it’s running:
[coopapap@bc11256 fmriprep]$ singularity run --cleanenv \
> -B /project \
> /project/6001995/coopapap/downloads/fmriprep/fmriprep-23.2.0.simg \
> /project/6001995/coopapap/data/garrison/BIDS/meditators \
> /project/6001995/coopapap/data/garrison/BIDS/out/ \
> participant \
> --participant-label $subject \
> --fs-license-file $license
(node:38530) Warning: Closing directory handle on garbage collection
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
1: [WARN] The recommended file /README is missing. See Section 03 (Modality agnostic files) of the BIDS specification. (code: 101 - README_FILE_MISSING)
Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.
2: [WARN] The Authors field of dataset_description.json should contain an array of fields - with one author per field. This was triggered because there are no authors, which will make DOI registration from dataset metadata impossible. (code: 113 - NO_AUTHORS)
Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.
Summary: Available Tasks: Available Modalities:
281 Files, 3.45GB task-ca1 MRI
21 - Subjects task-ca2
1 - Session task-conc1
If you have any questions, please post on
240306-22:05:30,35 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
Running fMRIPrep version 23.2.0
License NOTICE ##################################################
fMRIPrep 23.2.0
Copyright 2023 The NiPreps Developers.
This product includes software developed by
the NiPreps Community (
Portions of this software were developed at the Department of
Psychology at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, US.
This software is also distributed as a Docker container image.
The bootstrapping file for the image ("Dockerfile") is licensed
under the MIT License.
This software may be distributed through an add-on package called
"Docker Wrapper" that is under the BSD 3-clause License.
240306-22:05:30,584 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
Building fMRIPrep's workflow:
* BIDS dataset path: /project/6001995/coopapap/data/garrison/BIDS/meditators.
* Participant list: ['032'].
* Run identifier: 20240306-220407_13b8dc9e-d926-4e97-b282-68ce2b78e539.
* Output spaces: MNI152NLin2009cAsym:res-native.
* Pre-run FreeSurfer's SUBJECTS_DIR: /project/6001995/coopapap/data/garrison/BIDS/out/sourcedata/freesurfer.
240306-22:05:31,372 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 1: Adding template workflow
240306-22:05:32,196 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 2: Preparing brain extraction workflow
240306-22:05:32,320 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 3: Preparing segmentation workflow
240306-22:05:32,328 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 4: Preparing normalization workflow for ['MNI152NLin2009cAsym']
240306-22:05:32,341 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 5: Preparing surface reconstruction workflow
240306-22:05:32,373 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 6: Preparing mask refinement workflow
240306-22:05:32,377 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT No T2w images provided - skipping Stage 7
240306-22:05:32,398 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 8: Creating GIFTI surfaces for ['white', 'pial', 'midthickness', 'sphere_reg', 'sphere']
240306-22:05:32,439 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 8: Creating GIFTI metrics for ['thickness', 'sulc']
240306-22:05:32,450 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 8a: Creating cortical ribbon mask
240306-22:05:32,455 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 9: Creating fsLR registration sphere
240306-22:05:32,461 nipype.workflow INFO:
ANAT Stage 10: Creating MSM-Sulc registration sphere
240306-22:05:32,686 nipype.workflow INFO:
No single-band-reference found for sub-032_task-ca1_bold.nii.gz.
240306-22:05:32,824 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 1: Adding HMC boldref workflow
240306-22:05:32,835 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 2: Adding motion correction workflow
240306-22:05:32,848 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 3: Adding coregistration boldref workflow
240306-22:05:32,905 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
BOLD series will be slice-timing corrected to an offset of 0.96s.
240306-22:05:33,61 nipype.workflow INFO:
No single-band-reference found for sub-032_task-ca2_bold.nii.gz.
240306-22:05:33,127 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 1: Adding HMC boldref workflow
240306-22:05:33,136 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 2: Adding motion correction workflow
240306-22:05:33,143 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 3: Adding coregistration boldref workflow
240306-22:05:33,195 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
BOLD series will be slice-timing corrected to an offset of 0.96s.
240306-22:05:33,343 nipype.workflow INFO:
No single-band-reference found for sub-032_task-conc1_bold.nii.gz.
240306-22:05:33,407 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 1: Adding HMC boldref workflow
240306-22:05:33,417 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 2: Adding motion correction workflow
240306-22:05:33,424 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 3: Adding coregistration boldref workflow
240306-22:05:33,477 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
BOLD series will be slice-timing corrected to an offset of 0.96s.
240306-22:05:33,625 nipype.workflow INFO:
No single-band-reference found for sub-032_task-conc2_bold.nii.gz.
240306-22:05:33,689 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 1: Adding HMC boldref workflow
240306-22:05:33,698 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 2: Adding motion correction workflow
240306-22:05:33,706 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 3: Adding coregistration boldref workflow
240306-22:05:33,759 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
BOLD series will be slice-timing corrected to an offset of 0.96s.
240306-22:05:33,906 nipype.workflow INFO:
No single-band-reference found for sub-032_task-metta1_bold.nii.gz.
240306-22:05:33,970 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 1: Adding HMC boldref workflow
240306-22:05:33,980 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 2: Adding motion correction workflow
240306-22:05:33,987 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 3: Adding coregistration boldref workflow
240306-22:05:34,40 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
BOLD series will be slice-timing corrected to an offset of 0.96s.
240306-22:05:34,186 nipype.workflow INFO:
No single-band-reference found for sub-032_task-metta2_bold.nii.gz.
240306-22:05:34,252 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 1: Adding HMC boldref workflow
240306-22:05:34,261 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 2: Adding motion correction workflow
240306-22:05:34,268 nipype.workflow INFO:
Stage 3: Adding coregistration boldref workflow
240306-22:05:34,321 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
BOLD series will be slice-timing corrected to an offset of 0.96s.
240306-22:05:38,938 nipype.workflow INFO:
fMRIPrep workflow graph with 1141 nodes built successfully.
240306-22:05:55,649 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
fMRIPrep started!
How long do you suppose I should run it for without having it cut short?