Freesurfer aseg ROIs' centroid coordinates

i’m wondering if there is a spreadsheet available somewhere which contains the centroid coordinates of freesurfer’s aseg atlas ROIs? Of is there a way i can extract the centroid coordinates from some freesurfer files?

I need these coordinates for the purpose feeding them into a visualization script

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Hi @gerardyu, did you see this thread which seems related? MNI Coordinates for the center of masses of the destrieux atlas a2009s?

yes that’s what i’m looking for, but the brainGraph data does not include the ventralDC, brainstem and cerebellum though

found the python function to do this if anyone is interested

Hey, could you provide some code? What input files did you use? :slight_smile:

from nilearn import plotting
import numpy as np

coordinates = plotting.find_parcellation_cut_coords("atlas.nii.gz")

altlas.nii.gz is basically any atlas that has regions labelled from 1 to N consecutively, where N is the number of regions in the atlas

But which file exactly did you use? What’s the filename and is it stored in the Freesurfer installation directory?

for the purpose of my study, i created an atlas by combining the schaefer-100 atlas with 19 subcortical GM segmentations from freesurfer.

i guess if need a volumetric version of the destrieux atlas, you can get it from here NeuroVault: Destrieux Atlas (2009)

I downloaded the atlas from neurovault, but it has 192 instead of the expected 162 labels (148 cortical + 14 subcortical regions). Besides, the labels deviate from the official freesurfer labels, so without corresponding atlas info, it’s not possible to map each number to the name of a brain region of the Destrieux a2009s atlas.

Turns out that the coordinates for the subcortical regions are also provided by brainGraph using one of the *.scgm functions.

See: GitHub - cwatson/brainGraph: Graph theory analysis of brain MRI data