GSoC 2024 Project Idea 11.1 A social-web tool to facilitate rating and commenting on research reports (350 h)

@kamakshi_ojha @armanalam03 @Dinakar_Chennupati @Myrausman @Raju @Myrausman @Eslam_Ashraf @Sahil_Pradhan @Shubham_Soni @Akshaya_Krishnan @ADARSHJHA

Thanks for your interest in the project. Please try to get your proposal reviewed and submitted before Apr 2nd. Try to submit it before April 2nd as GSOC site can recieve high traffic in last days. I hope you guys understand


Good evening @JyothiSwaroopReddy07 sir, I kindly request your review of my proposal that I sent you in our private thread and would greatly appreciate any suggestions or improvements you may have.

@armanalam03 @Dinakar_Chennupati @kamakshi_ojha @ADARSHJHA @turingAlan @Raju @Akshaya_Krishnan

We have sent you mail regarding the availability of contributors during gsoc period.Please Kindly respond to the mails as soon as possible.

Thank you

Excuse me Sir, I didnā€™t recieve any mail as mentioned in above message.

Hello @suresh.krishna @JyothiSwaroopReddy07
I am Shubham Shekhawat a CSE student from Chandigarh University (India).
Sir/Mam, I have read and understood the project, and I have also gone through all the previous messages so that I donā€™t miss anything. Now, I am installing the frontend repo on my PC, but when I ran the ā€˜npm auditā€™ command, it found three security issues related to the lodash library. These issues are critical, and to fix them, I might have to update lodash. However, updating lodash could cause some minor changes in things, so should I update it or not?

For those wondering, this project will return in 2025, with a sole focus on the front-end (and a related phone-app). The website is now at, and the front-end repo is at m2b3/SciCommons-frontend

We encourage those interested to start by creating an account on the site and testing it, and then reporting issues via Github. You are also welcome to study the code and propose fixes.

I am looking forward to participate in INCF Org for GSOC this yr so, Just wanted to know is this project still up for 2025 as you have mentioned. If yes then, may I know what all new features are you looking for to be included ? I can start contributing if yes ASAP as per your wish.
And as per my background hereā€™s my github:- iitzIrFan (Irfan) Ā· GitHub & LinkedIn:- if needed for further communication !

Please see the message immediately above yours. (@armanalam03 @Raju )

Hi @Irfanulhak_Shaikh, you can go through the frontend codebase here GitHub - m2b3/SciCommons-frontend
Please go through the contribution guidelines. There are various issues listed, you can pick any of the issue or you can find and report issues yourself and work on them also. We are open to the new issues you find on our website or any recommendations you have, we can discuss on that. Thanks.

Hello everyone,
My name is Mohd Faisal Ansari and I am a Frontend Developer with skills in React.js, typescript and tailwind css.
Looking forward to contribute in INCF for GSOCā€™25.

@faisal_ansari - please see the message from armaan immediately above