Inviting seasoned Nipy users near Washington DC on March 28, 2019

Hi NeuroStars,

Georgetown University trainees are aiming to make the switch to Python for neuroimaging processing, analysis, and visualization! To help make the process more accessible and enjoyable, students across the psychology, neuroscience, and neurology departments are organizing an “Introduction to Python for Neuroimagers” workshop on March 28, 2019 (date still flexible) at Georgetown University! Workshop attendees will have varying levels of experience with Python, but should be familiar with these methods using other software packages (e.g., SPM, FSL, AFNI).

We would like to invite any seasoned Python users from the area (Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia) who might be interested in leading a session on using Python with neuroimaging data (mainly fMRI). Specifically, we are hoping to cover nipy/nibabel basics for fMRI data manipulation, functional/structural pre-processing, and first/group level statistics.

Please reach out to if you are available and interested! Additionally, we welcome any other Nipy resources/jupyter notebooks worth sharing! Thank you in advance for your help and support towards open/reproducible neuroscience!

Shawn Rhoads
PhD student, Georgetown University

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