If I have a participant with 2 scan sessions (a few weeks apart). One of the anatomicals is unusable. What is the best way to run it with fmriprep?
Is there good way of utilizing anat from one session to save the funcs from another?
How would fmriprep behave if one of the sessions is just missing the anatomical because I deleted it?
In general, is there a recommended way of dealing with rejected data?
fMRIPrep will merge all the T1w images it finds across sessions. At least one T1w must be present for fMRIPrep to work. Depending on co-registration, fMRIPrep may drop further scans. But, if you know that scan should be excluded, please do so before running fMRIPrep.
No that I know of. However, there’ve been discussions under the BIDS specification umbrella about how to flag images that should be excluded, but that did not fly.
The reason for longitudinal is that in some cases I have 2 sessions close together in time and then 2 more a couple of years later. one of the 4 sessions has a bad anat.
In other cases I have only 2 sessions (close in time) and one anat is bad. In which case, this can be analyzed without the longitudinal flag.
I meant “longitudinal” in an anatomical sense. In other words, do you expect substantial anatomical changes between sessions? By substantial I mean, e.g., a surgery or images were acquired 20 years apart.
Because for fMRIPrep, the anatomy is relevant to place things around. When there are no big anatomical changes, we average the T1w images across sessions to remove noise. Treating sessions as individual participants will help registration steps to be more accurate. If anatomy changes a lot between sessions, the averaging is not going to do any good.