After I preprocessed the data using qsiprep and fmriprep, I noticed that the size of the images after the alignment was different.Why does this happen?
raw dwi: 14014092
raw fmri: 10410472 222
preprocessed dwi: 9711698 222
preprocessed fMRi: 9711597 222
For DWI, you set your --output-resolution=2 which is different than your original resolution. For fMRI, you are probably looking at an image that has been spatially normalized (e.g., MNI space), which involves regridding.
Also, QSIPrep outputs are in subject space (but AC-PC aligned), not MNI space.
Thank you very much for your reply! I’d like to ask which function is used to transform the inside of the red box of my picture to look like this (it’s the process of mask making inside qisrecon, I don’t see a specific command.txt from the work folder). In that case, I can align this mask to the fmri as well and it doesn’t matter that the fmri and dwi are different sizes, right?
I’d need to find a working directory of a run that uses this workflow, which I do not have on me at the moment. I know the atlases are not in the GitHub repo, but they are in /atlas/qsirecon_atlases/ within the container.