Hi !
I’m new to using QSIPREP and I’m wondering about the different steps it does in the background…
I’ve been running the following command on a compute cluster for almost 10 hours, but I’ve got the feeling that the process is getting stuck somewhere because the output no longer changes… Also, various errors are appearing, some due to multi-threading and others I don’t know…
I also tested with --sloppy but it produces the same thing.
If any of you have experience of this workflow, I’d love to hear your opinion…
Command used:
singularity run --cleanenv \
-B ${HOME}/EcriPark_Code:/code,${EcriPark}:/data,/scratch/lcorcos/EcriPark_QSIPREP:/out,${FREESURFER_HOME}/license.txt,/scratch/lcorcos/Temp_QSIPREP:/tmp \
${HOME}/qsiprep-0.18.1.sif /data/ \
/out/ participant --participant_label ${SUB} \
--skip_bids_validation \
--fs_license_file ${FREESURFER_HOME}/license.txt \
--work_dir /tmp/ \
--output_resolution 1 \
--eddy_config /code/eddy_params.json \
--verbose \
--anat_modality T2w \
--b0_threshold 50 \
--dwi_denoise_window 5 \
--denoise_method dwidenoise \
--unringing_method mrdegibbs \
--distortion_group_merge average \
--bo_motion_corr_to iterative \
--hmc_transform Affine \
--hmc_model eddy \
--skull_strip_template OASIS \
qsiprep 0.18.1
singularity 1.1.6-1.el7
Dell PowerEdge C4140 (32 cores) Intel Xeon CPU 5218
380 Go RAM
NVIDIA Tesla V100
Relevant log outputs
Attached are various outputs for different subjects. This is the “shell” output of qsiprep
Also, the logs of the same two subjects but which are present in the qsiprep output folder.
You can access to the files here: 194.9 KB folder on MEGA
Thanks for your help