I am running QSIRecon on outputs generated by QSIPrep. Currently, I am using the dsi_studio_autotrack pipeline. When I started running QSIRecon (in December last year), the pipeline ran in about 2 hours. Now, it takes about 9 hours to run the same pipeline on the same participant data. Does anyone know anything else I could try or if something changed in the past two weeks?
Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):
That could be due to the additional bundles that are tracked. For example, the cranial nerves take a pretty long time and are a more recent addition. You can create your own recon spec to only run bundles you want. qsirecon/qsirecon/data/pipelines/dsi_studio_autotrack.yaml at main · PennLINC/qsirecon · GitHub (change the track_id parameter. any bundle that contains any part of a listed entity will be included)
As a side note, I always recommend not using the latest tag, and instead specifying a version number, so you don’t find yourself switching versions unknowingly during a study.
Hi @Steven
I ran a few tests and still have the same issue. I changed the track_id parameter so that it did not include the cranial nerves and cerebellum bundles, but even without them, the pipeline takes more than 7h to run per participant. I appreciate any other advice you may have.
Beyond that, I can only think of increasing CPU count, and setting the omp parameter to less than the total thread count (to eliminate chances that one process is using all CPUs)