Steps for Smooth ICA Implementation in fMRI


I am running ICA for data-driven parcellation, so I am testing different component numbers. I ran ICA with 50 components using Nilearn in Python, and this is what one of the components looks like.
My question is: What are common causes of size differences between ICA components and mask data, and how can I resolve them? Additionally, what are the recommended preprocessing steps for fMRI data before applying ICA to ensure accurate component results? I have already completed the main preprocessing steps, including smoothing;

And plz any recommended sources to help me better understand how to analyze the results and address these issues?

thanks !

My first hunch seeing this is that your data are not in normalized to some MNI space.

What kind of preprocessing did you run?

Do you know what space your images are in?

Can you add a snippet of code you used to get this image ?

Thank you for your reply @Remi-Gau :pray:

For preprocessing, I used FSL software.

For T1-weighted images, I performed the following steps:

  • Orientation correction / Robust field of view (FOV) correction / Brain extraction (BET)
    and Normalization to the MNI152 template

For fMRI images, I applied:

  • Orientation correction / Brain extraction (BET) / Slice timing correction / Head motion correction / Co-registration with T1 images / Spatial smoothing

I concatenated the preprocessed fMRI images from each group to continue running ICA
I switched to Nilearn on Colab due to resource limitations.
for the code i used this one :

# Load the 4D fMRI data
img_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/all_subjects_data_4D.nii.gz'
fmri_img = nib.load(img_path)
print(fmri_img.shape)  # To confirm the shape

# Define the number of components
n_components = 50

# Create an ICA object with appropriate parameters
ica = decomposition.CanICA(n_components=n_components, 
                           memory_level=2,  # Proper memory management for caching
                           n_init=10,  # Multiple initializations for stability
                           verbose=10)  # Verbose output for detailed process logs

# Fit ICA

# Get the ICA maps
components = ica.components_

# Compute the mask (if not already known)
mask_img = compute_epi_mask(img_path)
mask_data = mask_img.get_fdata().astype(bool)

# Prepare an array to hold the full-volume components
original_shape = fmri_img.shape[:3]  # Spatial dimensions
full_volume_components = np.zeros((, n_components))

# Map components back to full volume using the mask
for i, component in enumerate(components):
    if component.size == mask_data.sum():
        full_volume_components[mask_data.ravel(), i] = component
        print(f"Error: Component {i+1} size mismatch. Expected size {mask_data.sum()}, got {component.size}.")

# Reshape and save each component as a Nifti image
output_dir = '/content/drive/MyDrive/ICA50_output'
!mkdir -p {output_dir}
for i in range(n_components):
    component_reshaped = np.reshape(full_volume_components[:, i], original_shape)
    component_img = nib.Nifti1Image(component_reshaped, affine=fmri_img.affine), f'{output_dir}/component_{i+1}.nii.gz')

# Path to the component file
file_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/ICA50_output/component_14.nii.gz'

# Load the NIfTI file
img = nib.load(file_path)

# Display the image
display = plotting.plot_stat_map(img, display_mode='ortho', title='Component 1', cut_coords=[0, 0, 0])

Ok that helps.

The plot_stat_map will use on the default mni template image of nilearn if you do not specify the bg_img.

Try using one of your normalized subject T1 to see if at least overlap better there?

If you get similar visualisations as before, I would suggest double checking how you did the “normalizations” of your BOLD images. Am not an FSL expert so I am not sure how to help best.

For quick checks like this you may be better using fsleyes to view things.

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Here is a short version of this nilearn GLM example to show what I mean.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from nilearn.datasets import fetch_spm_auditory
from nilearn.glm.first_level import FirstLevelModel
from nilearn.image import concat_imgs, mean_img
from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map, show

subject_data = fetch_spm_auditory()

fmri_img = concat_imgs(subject_data.func)
events = pd.read_table(subject_data["events"])

fmri_glm = FirstLevelModel(
fmri_glm =, events)

conditions = {"active": np.zeros(16), "rest": np.zeros(16)}
conditions["active"][0] = 1
conditions["rest"][1] = 1
active_minus_rest = conditions["active"] - conditions["rest"]

z_map = fmri_glm.compute_contrast(active_minus_rest, output_type="z_score")

mean_img = mean_img(fmri_img, copy_header=True)
    title="Active minus Rest (Z>3) on mean functional",

    title="Active minus Rest (Z>3) on MNI template",

The reason this happens is because the functional data in this example is not preprocessed and the functional is not in MNI space.

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thanks a lot, i got it
I should review the preprocessing steps :pensive: