TDT libsvm multitarget error

Hi all,

I’ve updated the toolbox to tdt 3.999H and running the libsvm multitarget analyses results in the following error:

“The function libsvm_multitarget_test did not return the used model as decoding_out(i_step).model. Please check that it does this”

What do I need to do about this?

Thanks so much in advance!


Hi Vivien,

Thanks for the bug report.

Could you download the new version 3.999I from the download section of our website and check if demo12 works on your machine?

For the download, click on any of the download links on our webpage. You’ll find the fixed version at the bottom of the download page. If everything works fine for you, I’ll set this version as default download.

The demos are found in the folder decoding_toolbox\demos .

The multi-target functions were build for a project that went parallel with the design decision to enforce that the models that are used for testing are also returned, and this was not implemented using the right naming in the multi-target functions that we merged.

Let us know if everything now works as expected.

Happy decoding!

Hi Kai,

Thanks so much for your quick response, with version 3.999I works flawlessly again!

All the best,