Using synthetic field map from synbold-disco with fmriprep


You raise an interesting question here: how to tweak fmriprep to make it use SynBOLD-DISCO without knowing it?
From the top of my head, I see a couple of options that could be interesting to test to see if that could work:

  • feed FMRIPREP with the undistorded, motion corrected BOLD_u.nii.gz (4D timeserie corrected by SynBOLD-DISCO) and tell fmriprep to not run SDC (susceptibility distortion correction) on this data. That would work, but with the disadvantage of interpolating twice (= more smoothing) the data (once with SynBOLD-DISCO and once with fmriprep). Also motion correction will be done twice in that case: once with SynBOLD-DISCO and once with FMRIPREP, so you could not use the motion parameters calculated by fmriprep but instead need to use the motion parameters from Syn-BOLD-DISCO for your GLM and motion outliers. Or you could try to not run motion correction with SynB0-DISCO but I guess that would affect the accuracy of SDC with SynB0-DISCO.

  • Feed FMRIPREP with the native BOLD image and give in the fmap/ folder: BOLD_s_3D.nii.gz and BOLD_d_3D_smooth.nii.gz images as being the blip-up and blip-down images to be used with the PEPOLAR method. The PEPOLAR method is calling topup, as does SynBOLD-DISCO, but I am not sure if SDCFlows (used by FMRIPREP for SDC) would understand how to fill correctly the acquisition parameters file for topup in that case.

  • Feed FMRIPREP with the native BOLD image and give in the fmap/ folder: the fieldmap in Hz and undistorded magnitude image generated by topup run by SYNB0-DISCO. In that case FMRIPREP would use the Direct B0 mapping method for SDC. That could work! To be tested.

EDIT: for the last method, SynBOLD-DISCO does not output a fieldmap from topup , one would need to run topup again with the output of SynBOLD-DISCO with the option --fout and giving in acqparams.txt the correct value for the total readout time of the bold serie. To be tested, I am not sure it will work.

The first two options were what came to mind for me and didn’t seem reasonable given 1) the additional smoothing/mc and 2) not knowing how fmriprep’s topup would perform by adding them to the fmap folder.

#3 however is very interesting and didn’t cross my mind. I’ll test that out over the weekend and will report back.

I did make a try with option 3 above, for a dataset where I also add acquired two SE-EPI images with opposite phase encoding direction for SDC. Thus I can compare the FMRIPREP pipeline with Synbold-DISCO to the original (gold standard method) with the two SE-EPI images for SDC.

I ran one subject, as a proof of principle and I tend to prefer the images preprocessed with Synbold-DISCO! This last statement needs much more exploration, with quantitative evaluation on more subjects, but it looks interesting.

Here is what I did:

  • First I re-ran topup on the output of SynDISCO folder, with the option -m myfield and feeding it with a corrected ‘acqparams.txt’ with the correct total readout time value in the first line, 4th column.
  • Then I remove the 2 SE-EPI images from the BIDS fmap folder for my subject, and added the file BOLD_s_3D.nii.gz (renamed as sub-XX_magnitude.nii.gz) and myfield.nii.gz (renamed as sub-XX_fieldmap.nii.gz), and I kept one of the _epi.json file that I renamed sub-XX_fieldmap.json, adding into it the field: Units: Hz, and keeping the field IntendedFor that was already there.
  • I then launched FMRIPREP as usual, starting from a clean temporary folder to be sure to get a correct comparison with the FMRIPREP execution using the pair of SE-EPI images for SDC.

=> it worked! FMRIPREP did use the new fieldmap calculated from Synbold-DISCO outputs, doing SDC with the “Direct Fieldmap” method.

Here is a visual comparison between the output of FMRIPREP with 2SE-EPI images for SDC, or with the fieldmap calculated by Synbold-DISCO outputs.

Here is the fmriprep (v23.0.0) command I used each time:

singularity run -B /scratch/jsein/BIDS:/work,$HOME/.templateflow:/opt/templateflow --cleanenv /scratch/jsein/my_images/fmriprep-23.0.0.simg \
		 --fs-license-file /work/freesurfer/license.txt /work/$study /work/$study/derivatives/fmriprep  \
		 participant --participant-label $sub \
		 -w /work/temp_data_${study}\
		 --mem-mb 50000 --omp-nthreads 10 --nthreads 12  \
		 --fd-spike-threshold 0.5 --dvars-spike-threshold 2.0 --bold2t1w-dof 9  \
		 --output-spaces MNI152NLin2009cAsym T1w --ignore slicetiming sbref  \
		 --fs-subjects-dir /work/$study/derivatives/fmriprep/sourcedata/freesurfer --debug compcor --track-carbon --country-code FRA

Fieldmap estimation:

At first sight, the fieldmap estimated by the PEPOLAR method with the 2 SE-EPI images makes more sense.

Interestingly, here is the output of the bold-to-T1w registration:

I think it is already a good news: for your dataset with no fieldmap, it looks like you may be able to use the Synbold-DISCO method and use the OUTPUTS for fmriprep!

I am currently running the method 2 (giving FMRIPREP the synthetized BOLD image from Synbold-DISCO with a total readout time of 0 for usage with the PEPOLAR method), I will keep you updated on how it went.


Hi @jsein and @bryjack0890 - very interesting discussion - We are happy to see some critical evaluation of synbold-disco. We want to continually evaluate and improve this algorithm!

It seems this algorithm may be most useful to the field (or better-integrated into fmriprep) if we included the field map as output using --fout? If so, we can recompile the container with this as an output.

Our expertise is in diffusion MRI, with less experience with distortion correction (and correction of other artifacts) for fMRI. Happy to also make any other suggested changes to enable better distortion correction and validation.

Thank you,

PS - we would always advocate for the use of a field map or reverse PE pair if those are available before using our algorithm. We envision it’s use in the case where these are unavailable and you want to use physics-based correction (i.e. topup) instead of a simple nonlinear registration.


Hi @schillkg , welcome to Neurostars and many thanks for sharing those nice tools: synbold-disco and synb0-disco to the community!

To continue the discussion, here are the results with method 2: using FMRIPREP PEPOLAR method to run directly topup on the two images provided by synbold-disco.

First off, one thing to know is that a "TotalReadoutTime" of 0 is not accepted through FMRIPREP for the _epi images to be used for SDC in the fmap/ folder. So I gave a "TotalReadoutTime" of 0.000001 seconds to the synthetic image BOLD_s_3D.nii.gz) that I renamed sub-SUB_dir-AP_epi.json and I gave it "PhaseEncodingDirection": "j-" since my distorted bold images were with "PhaseEncodingDirection": "j"

FMRIPREP ran with no error with those images but unfortunately the corrected bold images are not great.

Here is an overview of the output images:

Estimated fieldmap:

SDC corrected bold images:

Registration of bold image to T1w image:

I tracked down a bit what went wary, and here is what I saw:

After topup run bold-disco style:
Corrected bold image:

Fieldmap image estimated by topup:

After topup run by FMRIPREP: (same image scaling for display as above)
Corrected bold image:

Estimated fieldmap:

=> the corrected image seems similarly corrected but the estimated fieldmap is drastically different! This is something to track down further…

For reference: topup command ran in synbold-disco style:

singularity exec -e -B /scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study \
/scratch/jsein/my_images/fmriprep-23.0.0.simg \
topup --imain=/scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}/BOLD_all.nii.gz \
--datain=/scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}/acqparamsJS.txt \
--config=b02b0.cnf --subsamp=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 --miter=10,10,10,10,10,20,20,30,30 \
--lambda=0.00033,0.000067,0.0000067,0.000001,0.00000033,0.000000033,0.0000000033,0.000000000033,0.00000000000067 --scale=0 \
--out=/scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}/my_topup_results \
--fout=/scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}/my_field \
--iout=/scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}/my_unwarped_images \
--jacout=jac --rbmout=xfm --dfout=warpfield -v

Topup command run by FMRIPREP:

topup --config=/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sdcflows/data/flirtsch/b02b0.cnf \
 --rbmout=xfm --dfout=warpfield

Yes, thank you for offering the suggestion of adding the option -fout fieldmap in topup! I think that would be very useful. Please note however that it would be most useful if the acqparams.txt file is filled with the correct "TotalReadoutTime" value of the distorted EPI image used for topup with synbold-disco, this way the “fieldmap” (in Hz) created could be used with tool such as fmriprep that look at the accurate "TotalReadoutTime" of the distorted EPI scans to apply the deformation field for SDC.

Hi @jsein,

I was wondering if you could provide a little bit more guidance about the files you need to replace inside fMRIprep for this approach to work. I have two magnitude images + the phase difference but I’m not particularly happy with the result and I am interested in trying this approach. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


This is indeed interesting! We’ve only started validation on the final distortion-corrected images and not the field maps themselves - but I also do not like the way that field map looks. Let me reproduce this and debug. We are also using the b02b0.cnf so it seems the only differences would be the three options (subsamp, miter, lambda) that we are over-riding in the topup call. Until then, we will recontainerize and add the field map as output, and also enable a user input for acqparams.txt so that the map units are meaningful.

Thank you,

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Hi @mblesac ,

Which fmriprep version are you working with? As you must have noted (and perhaps wrote about it already) there are several posts covering this issue with SDC not working well in FMRIPREP, especially for the “Direct Fieldmap” approach (Two magnitude and one fiedlmap images). Some corrections were made for version 23.0.0, perhaps you could try it?
As it was rightfully stated by @schillkg , synbold-disco was designed for cases where no fieldmap were acquired: normally if all goes well, SDC should work at least as well as synbold-disco for bold images for which proper fieldmap were acquired.

Anyway, if you want to give a try to the synbold-disco/fmriprep method for you dataset, for the method that worked correctly in my test, here are the steps I followed:

1/ run synbold-disco for your distorted bold serie. You must rename your bold image as: BOLD_d.nii.gz and your T1w image as: T1.nii.gz and place those in the INPUTS directory. Then run synbold-disco. In my case I used singularity with the following command:

singularity run -e \
-B /scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/sourcedata/synbold/sub-${sub}/INPUTS:/INPUTS \
-B /scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}:/OUTPUTS \
-B /scratch/jsein/BIDS/freesurfer/license.txt:/opt/freesurfer/license.txt \
/scratch/jsein/my_images/synbold-disco-v1.3.simg --stripped --motion_corrected

2/ For the moment, synbold-disco doesn’t call topup with the --fout option to output the fieldmap in Hz. So I proceeded by calling topup once more on the OUTPUTS of synbold-disco, through singularity again, using my edited acqparamsJS.txt file:
cat acqparamsJS.txt

0 1 0 real_total_readout_time_of_bold # my bold image are with PE direction in P->A
0 1 0 0
singularity exec -e -B /scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study \
/scratch/jsein/my_images/fmriprep-23.0.0.simg \
topup --imain=/scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}/BOLD_all.nii.gz \
--datain=/scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}/acqparamsJS.txt \
--config=b02b0.cnf --subsamp=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 --miter=10,10,10,10,10,20,20,30,30 \
--lambda=0.00033,0.000067,0.0000067,0.000001,0.00000033,0.000000033,0.0000000033,0.000000000033,0.00000000000067 --scale=0 \
--out=/scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}/my_topup_results \
--fout=/scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}/my_field \
--iout=/scratch/jsein/BIDS/$study/derivatives/synbold/sub-${sub}/my_unwarped_images \
--jacout=jac --rbmout=xfm --dfout=warpfield -v

3/ Rename the files needed for SDC within FMRIPREP according the “direct fieldmap” method:

  • my_field.nii.gz(created in step 2/) → fmap/sub-SUB_ses-SES_fieldmap.nii.gz
  • copy the JSON file from your func image into fmap/sub-SUB_ses-SES_fieldmap.jsonand add the following tags:
  "Units": "Hz",
  "IntendedFor": [

(you could also use the B0FieldIdentifier / B0fieldSource strategy).

  • BOLD_s_3D.nii.gzfmap/sub-SUB_ses-SES_magnitude.nii.gz

Now you are all set to run FMRIPREP using the fieldmap estimated the synbold-disco!

As stated above, the fieldmap calculated by synbold-disco has a strange appearance but the correction looked correct (at least for the one subject I tried so far).

I can’t guaranty it will work for you but it would be interesting to see if you get good results for your dataset with this method.

Hi @jsein,

Thanks for your help. I followed your instructions and I finally have the results.

This is 5 years old children’s data, so I executed the synbold-disco slightly differently, I add the flag --no_topup and removed the flags --stripped and --motion_corrected.

My acqparams file is also different as the phase encoding is j- so I replaced the 1 for -1.

The fMRIprep call I used in both cases is:

singularity run -C -B /EBC:/EBC,$PWD:/opt/templateflow /EBC/home/mblesa/fmriprep-23.0.0.simg $PWD/BIDs_data $PWD/derivatives/sub-${NAME}_fmriprep participant --participant-label ${NAME} -w $PWD --nthreads 16 --fd-spike-threshold 2 --dvars-spike-threshold 3 --omp-nthreads 16 --fs-license-file /EBC/local/infantFS/freesurfer/license.txt --output-space MNI152NLin2009cAsym:res-2 T1w --stop-on-first-crash

Here the results:

Using the two magnitude images + phase difference:

Distorted image:

Corrected image:


Using the fieldmap generated from Synbold-disco:

Distorted image:

Corrected image:


I think the Synbold-disco looks much better. What do you think?

If I want to run this process for different fMRI task (acquisitions) should I run Synbold-disco for each one? or use the same fieldmap for all of them? (tagging @schillkg here)

One small last question, why in some cases there are intensity differences between the corrected and the distorted images?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


Hi all - quick update - the container is currently rebuilding to (1) output the field map directly and also to (2) enable a user-defined acqparams file (actually just a TotalReadoutTime variable) so that the field map has meaningful units. We may actually kick off another docker build to also allow a user defined .cnf file if one chooses to modify some of the topup parameters. We want to run a quick couple of tests but will hopefully upload this by the weekend or early next week. This will let me run some tests to see why our field map looked a bit unconventional (higher frequency + streaks?).

@mblesac - One could argue that you should do whatever is most conventional for a traditional analysis as if you did have field maps of reverse PE available. In most cases (just browsing some datasets from openneuro) it seems only a single field map or single reverse PE pair is acquired prior to all FMRI runs. So I believe it would be common to use the field map (or field map estimated from the rPE pair) for all subsequent scans, assuming contrast and bandwidth stay the same. However, if you have reason to believe that the field map may change over a period of time across runs (movement? hardware drift?) then I see no reason not to estimate the field for each run separately - although I have no expertise in FMRI and preprocessing!

One important note: if you do have reverse PE or field maps available we still suggest using these! It’s not that we don’t believe in our algorithm, we are just trying to make it clear that we aren’t claiming we are “better” in any way. In fact, we are just using tricks to estimate a field map through image processing rather than image acquisition (and use topup itself in doing so)!

Could you explain the intensity differences you are seeing? I see bias field present in both distorted and corrected images (which make sense because we don’t correct for this at this point). Applying the topup field map will also correct small signal stretch/pile-up, although this is much less noticeable in gradient echo images than in the diffusion spin echo I’m used to working with! Finally, we have the --scale option in topup set to 1, where topup will rescale each image to the individual mean. This could also cause an intensity difference, although it would be a single multiplicative factor for the entire volume.

@mblesac and @jsein are the field map visualizations and alignment with t1 + edges a QA output of fmriprep? These are outstanding QA visualizations and have convinced me to make sure any future updates are easily integrated with other packages!

@mblesac : I agree to what @schillkg is saying about the number of fieldmaps to use for each subject. One is generally fine, you may want to use more in cases where the subject changes his head position between runs of if he moves in and out of the scanner during one session.

Yes indeed those nice visualization figures are provided in the HTML report after a fmriprep execution, there are very useful to quickly assess how the fmriprep workflow went.
More details here:

Thank you @schillkg for providing and improving the Sync-disco ans Synb0-disco tools!

** Sorry this will be split into 3 posts because new users can only embed 1 image file in a post**

Hi all,

I have some insight into the field maps. Using a few datasets from openneuro (results happen to be from ds004158 OpenNeuro, but seems to generalize to a few others: ds004215, ds003507) - I’ve run topup using our synbold parameters (which overwrite --subsamp, --miter, --lambda in the default cnf file), as well as topup using the standard b02b0.cnf, and also topup using the traditional (our silver standard) forward and reverse PE images.


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To recap:

  1. topup -v --imain=BOLD_all.nii.gz --datain=acqparams.txt --config=b02b0.cnf --iout=BOLD_all_topup --out=topup_results --fout=topup_field --subsamp=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 --miter=10,10,10,10,10,20,20,30,30 --lambda=0.00033,0.000067,0.0000067,0.000001,0.00000033,0.000000033,0.0000000033,0.000000000033,0.00000000000067 --scale=0

  2. topup -v --imain=BOLD_all.nii.gz --datain=acqparams.txt --config=b02b0.cnf --iout=BOLD_all_topup --out=topup_results --fout=topup_field

  3. topup -v --imain=BOLD_all.nii.gz --datain=acqparams.txt --config=b02b0.cnf --iout=BOLD_all_topup --out=topup_results --fout=topup_field

Here #1 and #2 the BOLD_all is composed of FWD-distorted+synthetic, whereas for #3 it is FWD-distorted+REV-distorted.

Result #1. With default contrast limits on fsleyes (which I think set limits to image min and max), little qualitative differences:


Results #2: adjusting contrast, I see this streaking in all the field maps, even with topup run the traditional way! I did not expect this, however I have never fully inspected the field maps (nor the stored coefficients). However, the original implementation with less regularization and no subsampling was ‘streakier’.

Result #3: the final application of these maps is remarkably similar regardless:

We did find one interesting result that the non-subsampled topup (the first algorithm) uniformly shifted the voxels in the anterior direction forward by 1 unit, but otherwise resulted in qualitatively similar distortion correction.

So it seems that the distortion correction is similar despite differences in appearance of the field map…and optimistically, ‘similar’ to as if a full reverse PE scan was available! We are going to do a few things: (1) we will always output the field map (–fout) in addition to the coefficients (2) we will default to b02b0_1.cnf when data matrix is odd and b02b0_2.cnf when data matrix is even (we will remove our parameter tweaks, that we had previously optimized for the spin echo diffusion data). (3) we will make a TotalReadoutTime input so that the field map has meaningful units. And (4) one thing not previously discussed: we are going to enable the ability to turn off the smoothing we do on the input images.

Finally - we hope to fully validate this soon with quantitative comparisons to T1, in a manner similar to another approach for fieldmapless correction (Using synthetic MR images for distortion correction - ScienceDirect which uses nonlinear registration, as opposed to our approach of using the physics-based estimation within topup to derive a field map).

Happy to further debug (and of course improve) this approach!
Thank you,


Hi all,

We wanted to post a quick update on this thread. The synthetic field map algorithm designed specifically for gradient echo fMRI is now published ( and available ( We have made it possible to output the field map directly, and also allow user-defined TotalReadoutTime.

Have you all had successes failures with integrating into fmriprep? If successful, we would love to put a step-by-step guide on our github page (or if anyone has connections we’d be happy to try to integrate directly into fmriprep itself).

Thank you again,

MASI lab team

Hi @Bennett1, and welcome to neurostars!

I believe a basic step-by-step is something like:
Using RAW data:

  1. Run SynBOLD-DisCo without topup (--no_topup)
  2. Take the synthesized undistorted BOLD-contrast image (BOLD_s_3D.nii.gz), place in the fmap folder, give it a name such as sub-xx_ses-xx_acq-synbold_dir-PA/AP_epi.nii.gz, where the dir-<> label is the opposite of what your original BOLD is.
  3. Make your own JSON. Just needs a few fields: (1) TotalReadoutTime - make it whatever you define at runtime or the default (1 second), (2) PhaseEncodingDirection - make it the opposite as your original image (so add or remove the minus sign), (3) Add the IntendedFor and/or B0FieldSource/Identifier fields to link the fieldmap to your BOLD image. The JSON should be called sub-xx_ses-xx_acq-synbold_dir-PA/AP_epi.json.
  4. Run fMRIPrep as normal (of course, do not --ignore fieldmaps or --use-syn-sdc, otherwise the fmaps may be not used)


EDIT: While this probably works fine with just 1 T1 image, I now wonder if it would be better to use the preprocessed T1 template in the case of multiple T1s. That would make the workflow a little more complicated, since it would involve something like running sMRIPrep (of fMRIPrep with --anat-only) first, then making the synthesized image, and then doing the rest of fMRIPrep (passing in the preprocessed anatomical derivatives with the --anat-derivatives flag). I might give this a shot since I have a 7T dataset with multiple T1 images.

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Hi all,

Thanks to all the contributors to this interesting and useful thread! I have tried fmriprep23.# for a couple of fMRI runs either using its fieldmap-less or with fieldmap susceptibility distortion correction on a couple of datasets, however they all made more distortions (discussed in a thread here). Thus, I am now trying SynBOLD to see whether I can get a detour for that SDC part of fmriprep. Also, I am currently using an old dataset with no fieldmap data available.

So far, results from the SynBOLD (BOLD_u.nii.gz) are amazingly good (by means of distortion and matching with T1), however, while trying to utilize it into fMRIprep I encountered some issues:

  1. Using the method by @Steven did not solve the issue. Of note, it can be also because of my new fmriprep version and its buggy SDC. Check the frontal and brainstem regions:

  2. I ran the pipeline suggested @jsein, with slight difference:
    – Letting TOPUP be done by SynBOLD
    – No --stripped or --motion_correct flags; I am also curious why these flags were used in the first place if the data was not either stripped or motion-corrected.
    The results of SDC ran by fmriprep (sub-#_ses-#_task-rest_space-T1w_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz) are better (top image) but still worse than the BOLD_u.nii.gz generated by SynBOLD (bottom image). Both are in the T1w space for better comparison:

Is there a way to pass the BOLD_u.nii.gz to the fmriprep and do not have the issues mentioned here? I haven’t tried it yet but was thinking of:

  1. Running SynBOLD with --no_smoothing flag to avoid double-smoothing
  2. Pass BOLD_u_3D.nii.gz as “sbref” in the fmriprep to be used for mcflirt and motion regressor estimation.
  3. Use rBOLD.par to de-“motion correct” the BOLD_u.nii.gz. However, I do not know whether it is possible or not.

I also wonder whether it is possible to run fmriprep on BOLD_u.nii.gz and pass the rBOLD.par into the confounds pipeline of fmriprep separately.


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Hi @Steven!
Sorry for reviving this old topic, but since I ran into issues with this specific approach, I wanted to ask for some clarification.

I tried the approach you suggested, but while the SynBOLD-DisCo results looked good (in terms of correcting the suceptibility distortions), the resulting func files in fmriprep were still distorted. Specifically, in the fmap folder I gave the original AP image (with PhaseEncodingDirection": "j") collected for topup and the synthetic BOLD from SynBOLD-DisCo with dir-PA (with PhaseEncodingDirection": "j-"). Therefor, I wonder:

  1. Why use a TotalReadoutTime of 1 second? Shouldn’t we give a value as close to 0 as possible, since the synthesized image approximates an acquisition with infinite bandwidth?

  2. Is there a reason not to run SynBOLD-DisCo with topup and simply give the output fieldmap topup_results_field.nii.gz with a json file of the form:

    "Units": "Hz",
    "IntendedFor": "func/sub-01_task-rest_bold.nii.gz",
    "B0FieldSource": "topup",
    "PhaseEncodingDirection": "j"

One problem might be that fmriprep also expects to get a magnitude image along with this fieldmap, if I understand correctly.

Perhaps @schillkg is the person to ask?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

It just occured to me that @jsein gave the solution above, so I will give it a try!

Hi @roeysc - I can’t speak to fmriprep particulars, but can hopefully give some overall insight.

The total readout time for the synthesized image should indeed be 0 (infinite bandwidth).

This next statement has some caveats: The total readout time for the acquired (distorted) image doesn’t matter, and we typically default to something like 0.05. If you were to use topup to estimate the field, then applytopup to apply this field to the unwrapping process, as long as you give applytopup the acquisition parameters (i.e., the total readout time you gave topup) it will correctly scale the field.

However, if the units/magnitude of the field map matters for subsequent processing, then the total readout time matters. I’m not sure how fmriprep chooses to estimate and apply the field, so this value possibly does matter.

We also also recommend using reverse PE or field maps when those are available, and only using the synthesis method when these are unavailable. Hope that helps answer some of the questions.