Your dataset is not a valid BIDS dataset

You should run the BIDS validator command line tool, not in python, so it will give you a verbose output. In command line environment with BIDS-validator installed, run bids-validator 'C:\Users\rubin\Documents 2021\Germany\fMRI data\Motor imagery dataset\BIDS'

As you can see here the is_bids method checks individual file names to see if they are BIDS compliant, not whole directories which is what you are trying to do.

If I don’t run the command in Python, where should I run this?

Silly question but I’m not sure what you mean by command line environment?

Also, I tried using to validate my dataset. Could there be a bug which I can remove?

If you have node.js on your terminal, you can install the bids validator by using npm install -g bids-validator, you will be able to use it as a command line tool in your terminal. Once installed you should be able to run bids-validator /path/to/your/bids/directory and see any validation issues logged to the terminal. Run bids-validator without a directory path to see available options.

Alternatively, you can build a Docker or Singularity container of bids validator and run it through there.

Staying in python you could just have the is_bids method loop over all files in the directory, but the outputs won’t be as helpful as the verbose command line tool output.

This is the message I get…not sure what to make of it.

Put the directory path as string (surround it by quotes).

I get this message :confused:

Try to cd to the BIDS directory, and then just run bids-validator . The period is part of that command and tells the validator to run it in that directory.

I really appreciate your help but I don’t know what to do at this stage.

It still looks like you are trying to enter the full path for the command. What I suggested was to put the terminal in to the BIDS directory through the cd command (cd '/path/to/directory/') and then running the BIDS-validator with bids-validator ., making sure to include that period to tell the BIDS validator to work in the current directory, which we will have set to be the BIDS folder.

Sorry, I didn’t understand what you meant.

So in the cmd, I’m trying to figure out what code would work to change the directory

When I run cd ‘\BIDS’ it says that the system cannot find the path specified. Any other code that I can use?

You have to type in the full path to the bids directory for cd

I get the above message.

you did not include the space and period after bids-validator

Can you paste the output of ls please?

I don’t follow…1s of?

ls (that first character is a lowercase L) is a terminal command that prints what is in the directory.