Your dataset is not a valid BIDS dataset


You mean like this?

oh whoops this is a Windows shell (I was giving Linux syntax), so the equivalent command is dir


The subject folder names should have dashes instead of underscores

Hi Steven,

Changing the subject folder names using dashes helped but I received 2 error messages and 1 warning message. I’ve attached this in JPG format as follows:


P.S. I would’ve attached this in a Word document but I didn’t have that option, sorry about that.

  1. There’s an extra .nii at the end of your niftis. Hopefully fixing this will also help fix the JSON not being associated with files.
  2. The events files should follow the same task-X_run-Y naming structure as the corresponding niftis
  3. Don’t worry about the dicom stuff in sourcedata. If you want you can make a .bidsignore file as include the following text: sourcedata/* to tell bids-validator to ignore sourcedata if you don’t want to see the error message every time.
  4. Don’t worry about the “Too few authors” warning at the end

The .nii at the end is not a problem anymore. I did create a .bidsignore file with sourcedata/* written into it but I get the following 5 errors and 3 warnings (ignoring the “Too few authors” warning):

Hi @Rubina,

Wanings aren’t as severe as errors, so it’s best to handle the errors first, as you can have a BIDS-compliant dataset that has warnings but no errors. Ideally, you’d still want to take care of the warnings if you plan to share the data though.

Regarding your errors:
1). EVENT_COLUMN_ONSET/DURATION: These errors pertain to your events.tsv files, which require onset and duration columns, see here for additional details. Note that these need to be tab-separated, not comma-separated.

2). TASK_NAME_MUST_DEFINE: As noted earlier in this thread, the _bold.json files in your func directory need to contain an additional line in them, like TaskName: motor

3). NOT_INCLUDED. Your bidsignore file needs to have a period (.) at the beginning (i.e. .bidsignore).

Out of curioustiy, are you using a software package to help you with the BIDS conversion? dcm2bids has been mentioned in this thread, and there’s also a complete list of tools to help with BIDS conversion, if one of them strikes your fancy. These tools can largely help with the syntactical issues of BIDS and make things much easier on your end.

Hi @dlevitas,

Thank you for your feedback.

I already added a json file with TaskName: motor in it. I removed the sourcedata folder and thus the .bidsignore folder to avoid confusion.

I’ll correct the remaining errors and take a look at the list of tools with BIDS conversion.



Hi @dlevitas and @Steven,

I wanted to thank you both for all support and patience during my previous questions and wanted to also let you that I finally have a valid dataset using BIDS-Validator :slight_smile:

Thank you once again.

