dHCP infant data downloading issue

Hi Sebastain,

Sorry for the inconvinence. Your account has been activated.

Best regards,

Hi @Jianliang ,
Its Yalda. I am writing to express my need for the dHCP dataset. I am unable to utilize Torrent due to the regulations imposed by our hospital. I have been unsuccessful in finding a direct download link for the dataset. It would be immensely helpful if you could kindly share the direct link with me.

I sincerely appreciate any assistance you can provide.

Hello. I am having trouble registering at this link : https://data.developingconnectome.org/app/template/Login.vm

I am getting this error: 502 Bad Gateway
Any advice? Thank you!

Hi @Jianliang,

I am facing the same issue as @czcooley.
I’m not able to do registration here: https://data.developingconnectome.org/app/template/Login.vm
Getting 502 Bad Gateway.
Is there any updated link?

Thank you!

Hi Yufan,

Sorry for the inconvinence. Your account has been activated.

Best regards,

Hi @jeetamar

Thank you for reporting this. The service has crashed. I didn’t notice that. It is recovered.

Best regards,

Hi @Jianliang

I registered my user account two weeks ago on the DHCP site, but I haven’t heard back from anyone yet. Could you please look into it and approve it?

Username:- jeetamar

Thank you!

Hi @jeetamar ,

Sorry we missed your registration message. Your account is now activated. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

Hi @Jianliang ,
Its Yalda. I am writing to express my need for the dHCP dataset. I am unable to utilize Torrent due to the regulations imposed by our hospital. I have been unsuccessful in finding a direct download link for the dataset. It would be immensely helpful if you could kindly share the direct link with me.

I sincerely appreciate any assistance you can provide.

Hi Yalda @Yalda_Nikan ,
Sorry I am afraid we can’t provide a direct download link because the datasets are huge. A direct download link will jam the university Internet connection. We recently uploaded some data to the NIH, maybe it is worth trying https://nda.nih.gov/edit_collection.html?id=3955
Alternatively, have you tried from your home network or other network connection outside of your hospital?

Best regards,


My account was deactivated. User name is naranjorincon. My password wasn’t working and when I chose forget password, it said its now deactivated. Thank you for your help.

Hi @Jianliang,

Looks like the registration web service crashed again.
I’m not able to do registration here: https://data.developingconnectome.org/app/template/Login.vm
Getting 502 Bad Gateway.
Could you take a look at it?

Thank you!


I’m having this issue as well. Is there any update on this?


Hi all,

I’m still getting the 502 Bad Gateway on the https://data.developingconnectome.org/

Is there any update or any other way to download the data?


Hi @Jianliang , I’m facing the same problem.
Any help would be really appreciated.


Hi Sofia, and Marisol,

Thank you for reporting the issue. It’s fixed now.

Best regards,

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Hi @Jianliang,
I am trying to log in to my dHCP account, but it is deactivated. Every time that I try to unlock my account I get the following message “Your account is currently disabled. Please contact the system administrator.” Could you help me solve this and activate my account ? My username is marisollemusaguilar
Thank you,

Hi Marisol,

I have noticed what happened. Can you please reply the email sent by dCHP-XNAT? (maybe check junk emails if you can’t see it in your inbox)

Best regards,

Hi, I think you might have missed my previous post.
This time I received the verification email but clicking the link led me to another verification email.
Please help me re-enable my account.

Thank you,

Hi, I have downloaded the original preprocessed-fMRI torrent (dhcp_3rd_fmri_pipeline.torrent) a while ago and now I want to download the additional patch torrent (dhcp_3rd_fmri_pipeline_patch1.torrent ).

However, when I try to login, it says:
“Your account is not currently enabled, possibly due to inactivity. Enter your email address to resend the verification email. ”

I did not get a verification email when I entered my email in the pop-up window.

Could you please help me re-enable my account?
Username: shinwonp

Many thanks,

Hi Shinwon,

Yeah, your account was deactivated by the system after one-year inactivity. I have reactivated your account. Please try again.

Best regards,