Fmriprep update issue

Summary of what happened: I can’t analyze because fmriprep is not updated.

I tried to analyze fMRI images on my lab’s HPC. After installing the singularity container (code: singularity pull docker://poldracklab/fmriprep), I ran a test and got the following error.
I followed the web page to update fmriprep, but it keeps saying that files and directories are not found.
do I just need to delete singularity and reinstall ?
The same issue appears when using this code.(singularity build /my_images/fmriprep-24.0.0.simg docker://poldracklab/fmriprep:24.0.0)

Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):

singularity build /my_images/fmriprep-24.0.0.simg docker://nipreps/fmriprep:24.0.0


singularity : 3.5.3
fmriprep : 20.2.0



Relevant log outputs (up to 20 lines):

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bids/layout/ UserWarning: The ability to pass arguments to BIDSLayout that control indexing is likely to be removed in future; possibly as early as PyBIDS 0.14. This includes the `config_filename`, `ignore`, `force_index`, and `index_metadata` arguments. The recommended usage pattern is to initialize a new BIDSLayoutIndexer with these arguments, and pass it to the BIDSLayout via the `indexer` argument.
  warnings.warn("The ability to pass arguments to BIDSLayout that control "
You are using fMRIPrep-20.2.0, and a newer version of fMRIPrep is available: 24.0.0.
Please check out our documentation about how and when to upgrade:
WARNING: Version 20.2.0 of fMRIPrep (current) has been FLAGGED
That means some severe flaw was found in it and we strongly
discourage its usage.
240708-15:58:09,438 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
    Running fMRIPREP version 20.2.0:
      * BIDS dataset path: /combinelab/03_user/thkim/01_project/01_NCMH_MDD/00_test_prep.
      * Participant list: ['B040'].
      * Run identifier: 20240708-155736_48365fb3-a427-4787-9d31-9f2d46938bea.
      * Output spaces: T1w MNI152NLin2009cAsym:res-native.
      * Pre-run FreeSurfer's SUBJECTS_DIR: /combinelab/03_user/thkim/01_project/01_NCMH_MDD/00_test_prep/derivatives/freesurfer.
31.6kB [00:03, 9.08kB/s]                                                                                                                                               
2.53kB [00:01, 1.78kB/s]                                                                                                                                               
259B [00:00, 321B/s]                                                                                                                                                   
3.96kB [00:01, 2.87kB/s]                                                                                                                                               
437B [00:00, 543B/s]                                                                                                                                                   
240708-15:58:28,41 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 No single-band-reference found for B040_rest_bold.nii.
Process Process-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/", line 297, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/", line 99, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fmriprep/cli/", line 84, in build_workflow
    retval["workflow"] = init_fmriprep_wf()
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fmriprep/workflows/", line 64, in init_fmriprep_wf
    single_subject_wf = init_single_subject_wf(subject_id)
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fmriprep/workflows/", line 304, in init_single_subject_wf
    func_preproc_wf = init_func_preproc_wf(bold_file)
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fmriprep/workflows/bold/", line 272, in init_func_preproc_wf
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/", line 633, in __init__
    from_file=from_file, resource_monitor=resource_monitor, **inputs
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/", line 183, in __init__
    self.inputs = self.input_spec(**inputs)
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/", line 66, in __init__
    super(BaseTraitedSpec, self).__init__(**kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/traits/", line 172, in error
    value )
traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'tr' trait of a FunctionalSummaryInputSpec instance must be a float, but a value of None <class 'NoneType'> was specified.

singularity build /my_images/fmriprep-20.2.0.simg docker://nipreps/fmriprep:20.2.0

INFO:    Starting build...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 0a01a72a686c [--------------------------------------] 0b / 0b
Copying blob cc899a5544da [--------------------------------------] 0b / 0b
Copying blob 19197c550755 [--------------------------------------] 0b / 0b
Copying blob 716d454e56b6 [--------------------------------------] 0b / 0b
Copying blob 0a01a72a686c skipped: already exists
Copying blob cc899a5544da skipped: already exists
Copying blob 19197c550755 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 716d454e56b6 skipped: already exists
Copying blob b5bf898e214a skipped: already exists
Copying blob 42da0942cc0e skipped: already exists
Copying blob 14f5757104e9 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 611fe4f705a5 skipped: already exists
Copying blob ac0b78389510 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 9e499ad45d56 skipped: already exists
Copying blob d9fe4a797d63 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 0096e55d11c8 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 8edcf0ca7093 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 4d1c726a5a26 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 6a13c4f0f499 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 4041fab309df skipped: already exists
Copying blob 76cb4738a4de skipped: already exists
Copying blob 9f64cb20b123 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 59feaf5d0228 skipped: already exists
Copying blob bf2e5cea3f0a skipped: already exists
Copying blob b4ba13fe1476 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 31a70e08417a skipped: already exists
Copying blob fdd6ba96cc6b skipped: already exists
Copying blob 39bb0bc52b4b skipped: already exists
Copying blob 8d4583aa23d3 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 4ac066736182 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 378885e5b53c skipped: already exists
Copying config c2efe13b4b done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
2024/07/08 17:11:59  info unpack layer: sha256:0a01a72a686c389637334de1e2d0012da298960366f6d8f358b8e10dc3b5e330
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/agpgart} creating empty file in place of device 10:175
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/audio} creating empty file in place of device 14:4
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/audio1} creating empty file in place of device 14:20
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/audio2} creating empty file in place of device 14:36
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/audio3} creating empty file in place of device 14:52
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/audioctl} creating empty file in place of device 14:7
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/console} creating empty file in place of device 5:1
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/dsp} creating empty file in place of device 14:3
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/dsp1} creating empty file in place of device 14:19
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/dsp2} creating empty file in place of device 14:35
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/dsp3} creating empty file in place of device 14:51
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/full} creating empty file in place of device 1:7
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/kmem} creating empty file in place of device 1:2
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/loop0} creating empty file in place of device 7:0
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/loop1} creating empty file in place of device 7:1
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/loop2} creating empty file in place of device 7:2
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/loop3} creating empty file in place of device 7:3
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/loop4} creating empty file in place of device 7:4
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/loop5} creating empty file in place of device 7:5
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/loop6} creating empty file in place of device 7:6
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/loop7} creating empty file in place of device 7:7
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/mem} creating empty file in place of device 1:1
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/midi0} creating empty file in place of device 35:0
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/midi00} creating empty file in place of device 14:2
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/midi01} creating empty file in place of device 14:18
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/midi02} creating empty file in place of device 14:34
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/midi03} creating empty file in place of device 14:50
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/midi1} creating empty file in place of device 35:1
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/midi2} creating empty file in place of device 35:2
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/midi3} creating empty file in place of device 35:3
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/mixer} creating empty file in place of device 14:0
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/mixer1} creating empty file in place of device 14:16
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/mixer2} creating empty file in place of device 14:32
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/mixer3} creating empty file in place of device 14:48
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/mpu401data} creating empty file in place of device 31:0
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/mpu401stat} creating empty file in place of device 31:1
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/null} creating empty file in place of device 1:3
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/port} creating empty file in place of device 1:4
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram0} creating empty file in place of device 1:0
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram1} creating empty file in place of device 1:1
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram10} creating empty file in place of device 1:10
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram11} creating empty file in place of device 1:11
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram12} creating empty file in place of device 1:12
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram13} creating empty file in place of device 1:13
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram14} creating empty file in place of device 1:14
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram15} creating empty file in place of device 1:15
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram16} creating empty file in place of device 1:16
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram2} creating empty file in place of device 1:2
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram3} creating empty file in place of device 1:3
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram4} creating empty file in place of device 1:4
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram5} creating empty file in place of device 1:5
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram6} creating empty file in place of device 1:6
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram7} creating empty file in place of device 1:7
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram8} creating empty file in place of device 1:8
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/ram9} creating empty file in place of device 1:9
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/random} creating empty file in place of device 1:8
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/rmidi0} creating empty file in place of device 35:64
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/rmidi1} creating empty file in place of device 35:65
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/rmidi2} creating empty file in place of device 35:66
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/rmidi3} creating empty file in place of device 35:67
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/sequencer} creating empty file in place of device 14:1
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/smpte0} creating empty file in place of device 35:128
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/smpte1} creating empty file in place of device 35:129
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/smpte2} creating empty file in place of device 35:130
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/smpte3} creating empty file in place of device 35:131
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/sndstat} creating empty file in place of device 14:6
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty} creating empty file in place of device 5:0
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty0} creating empty file in place of device 4:0
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty1} creating empty file in place of device 4:1
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty2} creating empty file in place of device 4:2
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty3} creating empty file in place of device 4:3
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty4} creating empty file in place of device 4:4
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty5} creating empty file in place of device 4:5
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty6} creating empty file in place of device 4:6
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty7} creating empty file in place of device 4:7
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty8} creating empty file in place of device 4:8
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/tty9} creating empty file in place of device 4:9
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/urandom} creating empty file in place of device 1:9
2024/07/08 17:11:59  warn rootless{dev/zero} creating empty file in place of device 1:5
2024/07/08 17:12:01  info unpack layer: sha256:cc899a5544da1a6cfb970d2484d32c063f8df26a430d92f39c98e72261e226f2
2024/07/08 17:12:01  info unpack layer: sha256:19197c55075519928dd2ff059745665a2c9b72f4e8af6f7a1ce662e696d339bd
2024/07/08 17:12:01  info unpack layer: sha256:716d454e56b61d1343a01f3b1829574333e2e3df20e77d1958d7b0b939ea1b61
2024/07/08 17:12:01  info unpack layer: sha256:b5bf898e214a893171c1e1ab287fc7f1d3573e414869f21f06e3468fea43add3
2024/07/08 17:12:01  info unpack layer: sha256:42da0942cc0e3de8b86ba649f506f3a0c87533451756c51d7b8bf181ba94a2eb
2024/07/08 17:12:07  info unpack layer: sha256:14f5757104e98f3e93ab8930b4afd4eb21146c829f97cb5f942f31f67419dfc1
2024/07/08 17:12:07  info unpack layer: sha256:611fe4f705a58c51fd740b790122f3f5900386b72f3a4c5bed2f8bd6b5c28a19
2024/07/08 17:13:12  info unpack layer: sha256:ac0b78389510ddc5f05baf66cce3660bd59dcc6c40f868b039805e42f61755fb
2024/07/08 17:13:12  info unpack layer: sha256:9e499ad45d567b53c6c6b5a72f4b2d7b37da99751cbc4368d244f517c8951e4d
2024/07/08 17:13:18  info unpack layer: sha256:d9fe4a797d63bba1aae0765133adacf3a5facb66bdddb26bc87925308bfeeb82
2024/07/08 17:13:34  info unpack layer: sha256:0096e55d11c829debe30a66f703997ce80ea037ff805383bd044a964282a3c43
2024/07/08 17:13:34  info unpack layer: sha256:8edcf0ca7093145f01d7f3f491f684f94c344746494592fe2dcda225b3a1af0e
2024/07/08 17:13:36  info unpack layer: sha256:4d1c726a5a26b9313034bbc817ef3f068419e77d624685996c12b0c66a3b5df1
2024/07/08 17:13:37  info unpack layer: sha256:6a13c4f0f4998804e8f87d30cdaf819b2aa6c8832616bc5f8d3eda4473c09b66
2024/07/08 17:13:46  info unpack layer: sha256:4041fab309df595df3c73db5496fe891a545dcaeb157b97917d4768ed71289df
2024/07/08 17:13:46  info unpack layer: sha256:76cb4738a4de0a90bebd2feeffa33c2c924db77a15faa8c337b2f7243414059e
2024/07/08 17:13:51  info unpack layer: sha256:9f64cb20b1233c3f0145d0bbb0f7b21eb0ea379dcac88ffb7a6c2d33583bd55e
2024/07/08 17:14:13  info unpack layer: sha256:59feaf5d02284126e1b93f4f950e7dc713fd58c52d19fe9b77e2fefca93c87e2
2024/07/08 17:14:13  info unpack layer: sha256:bf2e5cea3f0a1120a050975921eeb2ca8f55a118d41915ecaff4f4178f05ed60
2024/07/08 17:14:13  info unpack layer: sha256:b4ba13fe1476ebf212bade41bb836b4587994ab4ac9e08d64aeb4737d7332831
2024/07/08 17:14:13  info unpack layer: sha256:31a70e08417a9893c89802b9628f04e92eb89fea6087bf71027889dc760ee3a8
2024/07/08 17:14:17  info unpack layer: sha256:fdd6ba96cc6b6b24ec20f4f076aa94d1380a5885d5b82b1cd4fcde3d978210c1
2024/07/08 17:14:17  info unpack layer: sha256:39bb0bc52b4b161b444d00bff024cffb3649e7937aea44829f18b3558c88ce13
2024/07/08 17:14:23  info unpack layer: sha256:8d4583aa23d35533e703377b011840c07fbfc54a0a6790c7dbebc101589d4bdf
2024/07/08 17:14:23  info unpack layer: sha256:4ac06673618248fe8f9b6eac002063637fc5c9e2738e73befdcc34551e3e503c
2024/07/08 17:14:24  info unpack layer: sha256:378885e5b53cade19033755727e35229117c56ea917a8623b8fd65e1de752a09
INFO:    Creating SIF file...
FATAL:   While performing build: while creating SIF: while creating container: container file creation failed: open /my_images/fmriprep-20.2.0.simg: no such file or directory

Screenshots / relevant information:

Hi @th_kim and welcome to neurostars!

Is /my_images a folder on your filesystem? If not, then the error makes sense. Make sure the path on your filesystem exists. Make sure you don’t use version 20.2.0 since it has been flagged.


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