Introduce yourself!

If you are new to this forum, please introduce yourself since this will help other members of the community to know a bit more about you.

You could do the following:

  • Just say Hi
  • Provide some details about you
  • Share some of your interests
  • Pose a question or request for help

Share what ever feels right for you.


Hi everyone, I’m Elizabeth ! :wave::smile:

I’m a PhD candidate at the Montreal Neurological Institute, and I’m interested in asking questions with naturalistic data sets using an open and reproducible toolkit. I’ve been lucky to be involved in several projects like BIDS, fMRIPrep, nilearn, and tedana; and I’m passionate about helping to foster open communities for scientific open source.

Cheers ! :sparkles:


Hi all, I’m Chris Markiewicz. I am not new, but this thread is…

I’m a software developer at the Stanford Center for Reproducible Neuroscience, where I work on/with fMRIPrep, FitLins and OpenNeuro, as well as contribute to the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) standard and associated tooling like PyBIDS.

I’m generally interested in tools and methods that help researchers answer interesting questions, rather than having a specific scientific question that drives me. I’m also interested in the much harder problem of developing communities that can maintain useful tools as influential developers move on in their careers, rather than letting them decay or requiring those people to linger forever.

I also am active in the NIPY community, and you can talk to me about

  • nibabel - Python interface to imaging data
  • nipype/pydra - Python workflow engine to build reusable neuroimaging pipelines
  • niflows - A framework for packaging workflows and specifying environments in which they can be reproducibly run (this is not specifically Python…)

I do a lot with Python these days and wrote up a set of packaging recommendations which you may or may not find helpful.


hi everyone, i am jakub kaczmarzyk. also not new – but not old either! i am currently an md-phd candidate at stony brook university in new york, and i spent the previous three years working in satra’s group at mit. i am interested in the applications of artificial intelligence in medicine and particularly in medical imaging. my main language is python, but i am also interested in typescript and go.

some of the projects i have worked on include:

  • nobrainer, framework for 3d image processing using deep neural networks
  • kwyk, quick multi-class segmentation of T1w mri (with insight into model uncertainty)
  • neurodocker, easily generate docker and singularity containers with your favorite neuroimaging software
  • automated meningioma detection and segmentation

in the future – hopefully as part of my phd – i would like to develop and test the use of computer vision tools in a clinical setting. one potential project is to augment current electronic medical record systems with deep neural network-based detection and segmentation capabilities.

i am always happy to share what i know about coding and artificial intelligence in the context of imaging, and i am even more keen to learn from others on neurostars.


Ahoi hoi folks,

my name is Peer, I’m a CONP postdoctoral researcher at the Montréal Neurological Institute and my main research interest lies within auditory neuroscience, with a focus on the structure, function and organization of the auditory pathway (especially wrt music processing). I’m furthermore into everything methods and software through which I became involved in a myriad of amazing projects like BIDS, NiBetaSeries, atlasreader and many more. I strongly believe in and support open, inclusive communities, as well as the outputs they are developing and generating. Based on that @miykael and I started a workshop series on “open and reproducible neuroimaging using python” (an example) to provide new users with a comprehensive introduction into this incredible ecosystem.

I’m truly happy to be part of this awesome community and look forward to continue working with y’all.

Cheers, Peer


Hi all, I’m Dan. I’m a PhD student at Queen’s University in Canada. I largely work with fMRI data and study motor control and learning. I am a heavy Python user in my research, and I regurlarly work on some general packages that suit our lab’s needs (such as niimasker). I am also an avid user of tools such as fmriprep. Beyond my research interests, I have an interest in software development and data science.



Hi All :wave: I’m Nick Bray :slightly_smiling_face:

I am a PhD Candidate at the University of Western Ontario. My PhD work utilizes fMRI data. More specifically, I am examining how a multi-domain intervention impacts brain function in MCI. I am also very interested in the relationship between brain function and muscle strength/power/performance. My data comes from the SYNERGIC Trial (

This thread is great timing for me as I am very new here and to fMRI! I am currently in the process of learning about #bids and #fmriprep :sweat_smile: This forum, and the neuroimaging community in general has been very helpful!

Beyond research, I spend my time exercising or hanging out with my wife and :dog:


Hi everyone,

My name is Jochem Jansen, I’m currently working as an assistent professor at the Institute for criminal law and criminology (Leiden University) in the Netherlands. My work mainly focusses on neurobiology/psychology in forensic populations. I’m now trying to analyse a DTI dataset from a population of youngers with a criminal background, and would really like to use the new #tracktoflow toolbox for automated DTI preprocessing. Unfortunately, I’m having some issue’s with getting the analyses going, so I how someone can help me out :)!




I’m Suzanne Witt and currently working as a Staff Scientist/Research Associate for the University of Western Ontario’s BrainsCAN initiative. My days are largely spent fielding questions, helping researchers troubleshoot problems, running tutorials on fMRI/BIDS/BIDS apps related topics, and generally serving as a sounding board for new researchers to discuss new projects, analyses, etc.





I’m Daniel, postdoc at the Champalimaud Centre for the unknown in Lisbon, Portugal. I am working on decision making and the processing of chemosensory information in the insect brain. I am mainly using #nilearn for creating brain parcellations of volumetric 2-photon recordings of the brain of the fruit fly Drosophila.


Hello. I am a senior lecturer and researcher in knowledge based complex systems. I explore the convergence of different disciplines and in the last two three years the focus has been shifting towards neuroscience. I concern myself with knowledge representation, and have struggled to find adequate knowledge organisation. This resources looks FANTASTIC because you guys seem to have a good grasp of knowledge representation in neuroscience. Thanks a lot for this website, look forward to be learning and contributing


Hello! I am Ariel Rokem. I am a Data Scientist at the University of Washington eScience Institute, where I lead a research and development program focused on neuroinformatics. A lot of my work focuses on using diffusion MRI to assess the role of long-range connections between brain areas in healthy brain function. I am also interested in training and education in brain data science: I organize a summer school called NeuroHackademy and serve on the INCF training and education committee.


My name is Sreenu studying Bachelors of Technology in Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences in the field of Computer Science and engineering. I am currently interested in Brain Imaging and Processing, specifically with the data provided from fMRI scans of the brain, as it contains more functionality. I am working on early detection of Alzheimers disease which does not have a cure but early detection can prevent it from developing. By using a robust programming language such as Python I got information that we can do NeuroImaging and as a computer science student, I can take care of automation process such as classification of Alzheimer’s disease using DeepLearning techniques. It can also be very helpful in identifying Biomarkers of Alzheimers Disease. But I am new to this medical field where we need to deal with brain images various regions of the brain, the orthography of brain and etc…It would be very helpful for me if there is anyone who can help me kick start in this area of interest so it will be very helpful for me to continue in thsi path as a career.
Thank You


Hi everyone, I’m Adarsh Kumar an Undergrad Computer Science student at IIIT-Delhi, India. I’m a Deep Learning enthusiast and have experience of several Machine Learning/ Deep Learning projects. I’m fluent with Python, Java and also with Frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras. I love solving challenging problems and love to learn new things.
This year I wish to apply for GSoC in a project in which I can use and improve upon my Deep Learning and Machine Learning skills plus develop some new skills as well.
I’ve gone through previous year projects of INCF and also glanced at this year’s Project Ideas and am looking forward to contrubute to the Organisation and learn from others here.


Hi all!

I’m Ursula Tooley–I’m a Ph.D. candidate at UPenn working on the development of functional network architecture in early childhood. I’ve gotten sucked into preprocessing and methods (particularly with respect to motion, my favorite/least favorite topic) one too many times and now I browse Neurostars for fun :laughing:. I’m an avid user of OS neuroimaging tools like fMRIprep and a big fan of the community here!


Hello everyone,

My name is Mohammad Sherafati and I am a research scientist at the Department of Radiology of the Medical College of Wisconsin.

I am a physicist by training with expertise in materials physics and have recently switched my career to MRI research. I am learning through osmosis in this fantastic research field and thank all of you for establishing such useful forum of neuroscience practitioners. I learned about this forum when I was searching how to resample a NifTi image using Nibabel. In particular, the question and responses in the post titled " Nibabel - How can we rescale a 3d image" as well as excellent tutorials on Nibabel made a significant contribution into my understanding helped me implement the ideas to boost my research. Currently, I am working on a deep-learning based project to improve the outcomes of the quantitative susceptibility mappings of brain images.

I am excited to share ideas and learn from you and look forward to contribute to this forum.

Best regards,


Hello there,

I’m Mayukh Deb, an undergrad student at Amrita University, Kerala, India. I’m a deep learning enthusiast and have been busy making fun deep learning projects and learning more about it with each passing day. I’ve also had quite some experience in image processing, data wrangling and other interesting stuff like data augmentation, object detection models, etc.

I’ve always been fascinated with the application of deep learning in biology and medical sciences, and I recently built a deep neural network that derives medical inferences from ECG data. I spend most of my time with PyTorch, Numpy and Pandas. And most of my projects are on image datasets from kaggle.

I’m also a member of amFOSS, a student run community where we actively contribute to open source software and pursue our fields of interest. I’m looking forward to contribute to this organization and learn a ton of new things on the way.


Hi everyone, I’m James!

I’m a PhD student at the University of Iowa in the Health, Brain, and Cognition Lab. I became interested/involved in this open science/neuroimaging community by finding fmriprep and seeing it had almost everything I wanted in a pre-processing pipeline, except ICA-AROMA (You can read the story for my first pull requests to nipype and fmriprep). Instead of recreating the wheel of preprocessing for the umpteenth time, I was very excited to combine knowledge/effort towards fmriprep. The package maintainers were so patient with me and awesome in general; I decided to stick around and try to pay it forward.

My own work is centered around NiBetaSeries: a package to calculate single trial activations to make correlations or use however you would want in your analytical pipeline.

I’ve made contributions to multiple projects that I use in our lab’s research workflow (or I would like to use), my goal is to not recreate the wheel and help grow the current wheels out there.

See you in the forums!


Hello fellow (computational) neuroscientists! :wave: My name is Ilias Panagiotaras. I am currently a senior computer engineering student (Integrated 5-year Master’s degree) at National Technical University of Athens, Greece :man_student:

I believe that my most prominent skills and interests lie in the areas of artificial intelligence and computational neuroscience, as I love learning about new technologies that revolutionize the way we think about the human race and it’s future. Although I am extremely passionate about the advancements of hard sciences,I strongly stand up for the values in the studies of philosophy and ethics :man_judge:

In addition to the classes I am taking at the university, I enjoy challenging myself to expand my engineering knowledge by working on machine learning projects or having internships on relevant fields. See my GitHub profile for more :computer:

This year I wish to apply for #gsoc in a neuroscience-related project to develop new skills, as well as to improve my existing ones. I am particularly interested in Spiking Neural Networks-related projects, as this will be the central theme of my upcoming Diploma Thesis at my school! :brain:

See you all later!


Hello everyone!

I am Kanishk (GitHub profile), an undergraduate student from India majoring in Computer Science. I have interests inclined towards exploring interdisciplinary problems related to Deep Learning. I have been working with Python, PyTorch and OpenCV.

Originally, I intended to visit the site as an aspirant starting out for GSoC’20 but the vision of the community has completely altered my thought process. I would love to get involved and step into the field of neuroscience.

I’ll be looking forward to learning and contributing to this amazing community…