Introduce yourself!

Hi everyone,
I’m Carina, a cognitive science student from Vienna and I am currently writing my master thesis. I am trying to research the resting state connectivity patterns of different subnuclei in the amygdala. I started to work into nilearn and nypipe for my analysis.
I expect that this forum is great source of information for me. Looking forward to connecting with you and learning from you people!

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Hi everyone!
I am Ophélie Martinie. I am currently doing my PhD in Canada at Laval University (Québec). I am working on neuroimaging in children with cerebral palsy. I am particularly interesting in diffusion neuroimaging on corticocerebellar circuits. I learned FSL by myself but I recently had to use Tractoflow for my analysis.
I am here to have any useful advice which could help me to acquire knowledge in neuroimaging and to process my data.

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Hi Everyone
I am Pouya Rabiei, PhD student at university of toronto and interested in (chronic) pain and brain.

I am working with conn toolbox for analysing some functional connectivity.

I have done preprocessing with fmriprep and exported my data to the conn.
I have some missing data and need to allow missing data, but I cannot find the option. would you let me know the direction of the option (allow missing data) if you know that?

Thank you

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Hi from me! :wave:t4:

I am Ioannis Valasakis and I am current PhD student in King’s College London in the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience as well as the Biomedical Engineering and Imaging (that was long, phew)

I am doing research in Code Neuro Lab with Dr Dafnis Batella and Dr Maria Deprez, looking into neonatal brains and how (and if) one can predict autism spectrum disorder (ASD) phenotypes using functional MRI :brain:

I am new in the field although I do have experience in software and hardware engineer as I worked professionally in the industry for quite some years! I am big for open source (and free software, GPL-wise) and I hope that I can share my experience and learn from everybody here.

My current issue is that even though the ABIDE I dataset pretends it’s BIDS-compatible, it really isn’t. So, I am looking into finding ways to process it using fmriprep If anyone has some experience or an insight feel free to show where my mistake is :wink:

Happy to be here!

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Hi everyone! :hugs:
I am Katrien, a recent experimental psychology graduate student of the University of Ghent (Belgium) and currently performing a research internship at the Neuroscience Research Institue in Lyon (France). I will be applying for a PhD doing research about potential neural markers for learning disorders (dyslexia/dyscalculia)! I love coding, statistics, and would live to re-think our educational system to be more ‘brain-friendly’ :brain: :sparkling_heart:


I am Deepa Nath -research scholar from Pune,India

Need help how to get datasets for resting state fmri for epilepsy patients.

Can you all please suggest me where to get??

In continuation to fMRI studies please suggest me what pipeline changes should i make in conn for better results for functional connectivity

Hi everyone, I am Rucha Kasture, a 2nd year student pursuing B.Tech. in Information Technology. I am a front end developer and my tech stack includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Bootstrap, and Git. I am aiming for GSoC 2022 and want to contribute to INCF. It would be great if someone could guide me for the same. Hoping to learn a lot.

Connect with me here :

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Hi Rucha, Welcome to NeuroStars! I am connecting you with @malin who is in-charge of the GSoC from INCF.

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Thank you very much!

Hi Rucha,
I am happy to hear you are interested in GSoC!

We will apply to be a mentoring organization again in 2022, the application opens in February and we will know sometime in March if we are approved. We aim to have our 2022 Project Ideas List up in late January; I do not yet know which projects and mentors will join us next year. I would advise you to keep an eye on our GSoC page (or our Twitter account) for an announcement when the list goes live. When the list is final, we will also post all project idea descriptions here on Neurostars, under the GSoC category.

If you want to get an idea of previous projects, please go to the GSOC 2021 archive page here: where you can view both our 2021 project ideas list and the resulting projects. Each project idea will have a few skill tags, so you can search for projects that fit your profile and see if you find anything particularly interesting.

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Hi everyone! My name is Hweeling Lee, and I’m a cognitive neuroscientist. I’m currently learning how to use the decoding toolbox (TDT), which is the main reason why I came across this mailing list. At present, I’m searching through the QnAs for TDT and possibly will have some questions of my own at the later stage! Wishing everyone here a Merry Christmas and happy new year. :slight_smile:

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@Rucha_Kasture given your skill set, have you may want to contribute to NiiVue. Given your experience with React, it might be great to develop a React UI for the component. The home page provides a minimal React wrapper. A great contribution would be a React UI that exposed the functionality of the main project, similar to the VueJS UI demo.

NiiVue is the future of the FSL user interface, and the BrainLife, AFNI and OpenNeuro teams have already contributed. Our hope would be to provide users with a familiar domain-specific interface regardless of the tools they use. Feel free to message me if you have any questions (or contact us on Github).

Hey everyone! My name is Dan Dillon and I direct a small lab at McLean Hospital/HMS. I’m focused on understanding how depression affects learning and memory, and while I’ve been using fMRI and other neuroscientific techniques (like EEG) for awhile, I’m excited to join the Neurostars community because there is always so much I’ve yet to learn:) Glad to be here and hoping that I can help others while asking for help myself!

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thanks for providing the information. I will keep looking up for projects on the GSOC page. I would love to contribute if I have the required skills for any project.

Hi @Chris_Rorden,
I have followed you in GitHub, would love to work on the React part. It would be great if you could guide me.

Feel free to contact me directly via email. Happy to have a Zoom meeting. Taylor Hanayik has been leading the Vue development, so is probably the best mentor.

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Hello Everyone ! myself Neel Shah, an undergraduate student persuing computer engineering at VJTI Mumbai. I know c++,java, python, javascript and am acquainted with various python libraries like mathplotlib,tensorflow,numpy,open cv,etc. I am a open source beginner and am keenly interested in contributing to INCF organisation. Kindly provide me some intructions and guidelines to get an head-start. Will be eagerly waiting for your response .
Thanking you

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Hello everyone,

I am Iñigo Tellaetxe, I just graduated as a Biomedical Engineer and I am currently studying my Master’s on Biomedical Technologies at Mondragon Unibertsitatea. I came across this forum as I am developing my yearly class project, consisting of building an AI based Alzheimer’s Disease classifier, taking as an input diffusion MRI data. I will post about it soon, but if someone could directly assist me in this, I would greatly appreciate it
Two years ago I had the opportunity to work in a research project for the University of the Basque Country, on the viability of using cerebral oxymetry data for predicting return of spontaneous circulation in cardiac arrest patients.

My interests include data science, imaging, embedded systems, and artificial intelligence, all related to the medical field, and specially to neuroscience. I am currently building skills on python and R as programming is a thing I always wanted to master and also because it will boost my profile.

As for now, I am having problems using DiPy to build structural connectivity matrices from tractograms I constructed using Tractoflow. I would appreciate if someone could assist me in this issue.

I am very honored to be part of this community, thank you all for welcoming me here!

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Hi everyone! I’m Prakriti Shetty, a second year undergraduate studying at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India. I’m familiar with the basics of backend and frontend dev(C++, Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Python, Django, MATLAB, React, NodeJS, vanillaJS), and a little bit of ML as well. I really want to begin my journey into Open Source by contributing to INCF, as it intersects with two fields I really connect with- software and biology. I looked up for some project repos I had seen in the GSoC '21 archive, but GitHub had a lot of old code repos, and I didn’t find certain projects as well. Can anyone help me with the initial steps of how should I start contributing by pointing to some resource if possible?

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