I have a dataset that included a scan using a siemens (skyra scanner) fm2d2r sequence for computing a field map. When I run dcm2niix on the dicoms, I get a phase difference file with the suffix e2_ph.nii containing a single volume, but no magnitude files are output. The data originally was converted using an older version of dcm2niix (v1.0.20180518), but I get the same result running it through a new version (v1.0.20210317). How can I get the magnitude images for this scan?
Here is the portion of the dicom header with scan acquisition information for the scan in question:
0018 0015 6 [1410 ] // ACQ Body Part Examined//BRAIN
0018 0020 2 [1424 ] // ACQ Scanning Sequence//GR
0018 0021 2 [1434 ] // ACQ Sequence Variant//SP
0018 0022 0 [1444 ] // ACQ Scan Options//
0018 0023 2 [1452 ] // ACQ MR Acquisition Type //2D
0018 0024 8 [1462 ] // ACQ Sequence Name//*fm2d2r
0018 0025 2 [1478 ] // ACQ Angio Flag//N
0018 0050 2 [1488 ] // ACQ Slice Thickness//3
0018 0080 4 [1498 ] // ACQ Repetition Time//500
0018 0081 4 [1510 ] // ACQ Echo Time//6.86
0018 0083 2 [1522 ] // ACQ Number of Averages//1
0018 0084 10 [1532 ] // ACQ Imaging Frequency//123.25903
0018 0085 2 [1550 ] // ACQ Imaged Nucleus//1H
0018 0086 2 [1560 ] // ACQ Echo Number//2
0018 0087 2 [1570 ] // ACQ Magnetic Field Strength//3
0018 0088 2 [1580 ] // ACQ Spacing Between Slices//3
0018 0089 4 [1590 ] //ACQ Number of Phase Encoding Steps//144
0018 0091 2 [1602 ] // ACQ Echo Train Length//0
0018 0093 4 [1612 ] // ACQ Percent Sampling//100
0018 0094 4 [1624 ] //ACQ Percent Phase Field of View//100
0018 0095 4 [1636 ] // ACQ Pixel Bandwidth//400
0018 1000 6 [1648 ] // ACQ Device Serial Number//45407
0018 1020 14 [1662 ] // ACQ Software Version//syngo MR D13C
0018 1030 18 [1684 ] // ACQ Protocol Name//fMRI_field_mapping
0018 1200 18 [1710 ] // ACQ Date of Last Calibration//20090304\20090304
0018 1201 28 [1736 ] // ACQ Time of Last Calibration//123723.000000\123723.000000
0018 1251 4 [1772 ] // ACQ Transmitting Coil//Body
0018 1310 8 [1784 ] // ACQ Acquisition Matrix// 144 0 0 144
0018 1312 4 [1800 ] // ACQ Phase Encoding Direction//COL
0018 1314 2 [1812 ] // ACQ Flip Angle//35
0018 1315 2 [1822 ] // ACQ Variable Flip Angle//N
0018 1316 16 [1832 ] // ACQ SAR//0.05794959537002
0018 1318 2 [1856 ] // ACQ DB/DT//0
0018 5100 4 [1866 ] // ACQ Patient Position//HFS