No magnitude file are detected for fieldmap for dti

I am using heudiconv+dcm2niix to get the filed maps that I see in the dicominfo file. The manufacturer is Siemens:

Here is what I have added to the heuristic file:

fmap_mag = create_key('sub-{subject}/{session}/fmap/sub-{subject}_{session}_magnitude') fmap_phase = create_key('sub-{subject}/{session}/fmap/sub-{subject}_{session}_phasediff')


# fmap if (s.dim3 == 200) and ('gre_field_mapping' in protocol_name): info[fmap_mag].append(s.series_id) if (s.dim3 == 100) and ('gre_field_mapping' in protocol_name): info[fmap_phase].append(s.series_id)

But I only get phase images in my fmap folder after conversion and when I look into the json files I see:

"ImageType": [

sub-002_ses-01_phasediff1.json sub-002_ses-01_phasediff1.nii.gz sub-002_ses-01_phasediff2.json sub-002_ses-01_phasediff2.nii.gz

Any idea what I am doing wrong?
I also saw this and this, but couldn’t solve my problem still.

Thank you for any advice in advance