Best Practices for Removing Dummy Scans After fMRIPrep Before Tedana Processing

Dear all,

I have processed multi-echo resting-state fMRI images (three echoes per scan) using fMRIPrep (V.23.2.0), including the the --dummy-scans flag. I plan to remove the first four volumes from each echo, as these are also flagged as non-steady-state in the fMRIPrep report. This non-steady-state volume removal will be performed before further processing of the images with tedana (V 24.0.1) (former discussion on Neurostars). The processed and combined echo images are aimed to be co-registered to the MNI space and resample it to 2mm isotropic resolution.

To ensure my analysis pipeline is complete and logically structured, I would like to verify the following steps:

  1. Remove the first four volumes from each echo image output by fMRIPrep using fslroi.
    volume_trim.txt (163 Bytes)

  2. Input the trimmed echo images into tedana for further processing.
    tedana.txt (3.4 KB)

  3. Apply the transformations provided by fMRIPrep to co-register the images to MNI space (Native → T1 → MNI). The transformations are the ones estimated from the non-trimmed images.
    registration.txt (1.4 KB)

  4. Resample the image from 3mm to 2mm isotropic.
    resample.txt (218 Bytes)

Additionally, in my fMRIPrep script, I specified the output spaces as MNI152NLin2009cAsym:res-2 MNI152NLin2009cAsym anat. However, the anat directory in the fMRIPrep output contains only the transformation file:
and not a separate transformation for MNI152NLin2009cAsym:res-2.

Is this expected behavior? Does fMRIPrep generate only a single transformation for MNI152NLin2009cAsym, and other resolutions are supposed to be derived from resampling afterwards?

I would greatly appreciate your guidance on whether my approach is valid and appropriate.

Many thanks,

I wouldn’t do these two steps. Instead, it is probably better to (1) remove the dummy volumes from the echo-wise files, (2) run tedana on those trimmed files, (3) remove the dummy volumes from the MNI-space optimally combined file from fMRIPrep, and (4) use the tedana ICA components to denoise the trimmed MNI-space file. That way, you don’t have to worry about doing any resampling or warping.

The transform doesn’t specify the resolution. You would apply the transform and use a reference image in the target resolution to get your data in the desired space and resolution.

Many thanks fro your reply, I’m not sure if I completely follow this appraoch would you please elaborate more on that:

  • The echo-wise images in step 1 are the fMRIPrep output files (sub-MTL0002_ses-FU84_task-rest_run-01_echo-01_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz)?
  • In step 3, removing the dummy volumes from the MNI-space optimally combined file from fMRIPrep (sub-MTL0002_ses-FU84_task-rest_run-01_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz)?
  • I am unaware of how to apply the step 4 (using tedana components to denosie the trimmed MNI files).

Thank you so much!!

That’s correct.

That would be native resolution, so I think you’d probably want sub-MTL0002_ses-FU84_task-rest_run-01_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_res-2_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz instead.

There are instructions for denoising data with tedana ICA components in the tedana documentation (see Denoising Data with Components — tedana 24.0.2 documentation).

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Brilliant approach for skipping the transformations, thank you for suggesting that.

In applying tedana denoising on the MNI-space (2mm) trimmed optially combined fMRIPrep output, I have two quick follow-up questions:

With my understanding from the literature, ME-ICA denosing takes care of the motion related noise and removes that in data.

  1. Accordingly, I am inclined to skip motion regressors and only keep rejected_components as my only confounds input to masker.fit_transform, is it something you would suggest as I noticed motion regressors were included in the sample tedana denoising code?

  2. Within the masker code, there is standardize_confounds=True option, would it still be required if I am only considering the rejected components in masker.fit_transform?

You may find my adapted code to tedana ME-ICA denoising of optimally combined fMRIPrep output here:
denoise_tedana.txt (2.5 KB)

Many thanks,

Yes, ME-ICA should flag motion-related components as long as they’re not BOLD-based. I’d recommend passing in the motion parameters as external regressors with a decision tree that specifically accounts for them though. There’s more information on that here.

The motion parameters are just in there as an example. It’s not a strong recommendation- it’s just that we want to show how you would use non-ICA confounds in that step.

I’d recommend using that parameter regardless. I think there’s information about it in the Nilearn documentation, but the gist should be that it may help and it will never hurt.

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Thank you so much for your guidance and the details. I will aim to incorportate the regressors in my noise removal.
