Introduce yourself!

Hey everyone,

I’m Jacob Sprouse, and I’m thrilled to join the INCF community! Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s in Neuroscience and Computer Science at Auburn University, I’m passionate about the intersection of these two fields and the potential they hold for advancing artificial intelligence.

Looking forward to connecting with fellow enthusiasts, brainstorming new ideas, and contributing to the incredible work happening here at INCF!

Jacob Sprouse

Hello Everyone, My name is Adarsh Jha, and I would like to contribute for INCF in GSOC 2024 .
I found the below mentioned projects matching my skills and interests.
Project " A social-web tool to facilitate rating and commenting on research reports" , having project no “11.1”
and also, on Project “Python interfaces for” having project no “20.1”.
Please tell me how to contact to the mentors assigned on these projects , as I couldn’t find any email id’s on Discord channels for the same.
I’m highly passionate to work on these projects and would be eagerly waiting for any of your replies sir/ma’am.

Hi everyone, My name is Min Goo, and I came across INCF through the GSoC program.

My academic background is in Mathematics and Computer Science, but I always had a personal interest in behavioral psychology and neuroscience through books like Thinking Fast and Slow and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.

Through the upcoming open source project, I hope to apply my technical skillsets to contribute to expanding the neuroscience community :brain:

Hi everyone, I’m Sourav Kulkarni! :wave:

I’m a research assistant at Bachlab, Uni Bonn with a background in Computer Science.
Currently interested in the BIDS Specification, developing data converters to convert existing neurobehavioral datasets to the (and perhaps ‘from the’) BIDS standard. Hope to learn from and contribute to the open science community!


My name is Samuel Oyeneye, I am currently in my BSc finals studying Computer Science. The neuroscience field has been my recent interest, as my current research cuts across the brain study of highly developed animals, integrating their developed neural pathways systems in electronic devices. This got me fascinated about the field and has sparked my interest in the INCF’s projects, to boost my knowledge in this field.

Having gone through the project ideas page, I’m looking to apply for the GSoC '24 program on interested projects.

Lastly, I’m currently examining EEG data containing time and frequency patterns compressed in a network simulator, ns2 format. I need help with possible ways to extract the data for analysis since it’s unannotated, thank you!

It’s a delight to be part of this great community!

Hi everyone,

I am Elaine Pinheiro, psychologist/psychotherapist currently finishing the Cognitive Neuroscience master at Freie Universität Berlin. I am interested in predictive coding, computational neuroscience, data science and open science in general. Glad to join the community!

Hi everyone!, I’m Dinar Wahyu Rahman, currently I’m a Bachelor of Mathematics student at the Indonesian Open University aka the Open University. I am proficient with Python, especially TensorFlow, Keras, and so on, I am also interested in deep learning and AI. Previously I had internship experience in the field of computer vision annotation. This is my first time registering GSoC, I want to contribute to open source and benefit everyone. Thank You

Hi everyone!

I’m Chanaka Prasanna, an AI/ML Enthusiast & Blogger, currently in my 3rd year pursuing a BSc (Hons) in Information Technology degree at the University of Moratuwa. I’m particularly fascinated by the intersection of AI/ML with neuroscience and psychology.

I’m excited to be part of this community! I’m here to learn from all of you and hopefully contribute as much as I can. I’m especially interested in discussions about AI and its potential impact on the human mind and behavior.

Is anyone else here working on similar things? I’d love to hear about your projects and interests!

Hello all ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )

I’m Nada, and I recently graduated with a degree in Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering from EJUST. I’m particularly passionate about Cognitive Neuroscience and the exciting discoveries it unlocks. This passion fueled a year-long project where I explored Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), and I’m utilizing MNE-Python for data visualization and analysis for a new project at the moment. I’m eager to leverage my skills and enthusiasm by contributing to open-source projects that advance the field.

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Hi everyone , I'm Kartikeya

I’m Kartikeya, a student at Mumbai University with a passion for technology and innovation. My interests span across Python, machine learning, TensorFlow, Keras, and deep learning, with a particular fascination for large language models. I’m familiar with the MERN stack and learing system design with DevOps. What truly captivates me is the potential of the innovations that can be made by combining Physics and AI.

Excited to be here!

Best regards ,
Kartikeya Lalge

Hello, all, I am Olivia. I’m a research assistant currently, but I’ve been accepted as a doctoral candidate this fall at a Psychology program. Looking to get some advice on how to run the mriqc with my current lab’s data. Thank you in advance! :grin:

hi there,
i am shuang majoring in BSc neuroscience. i would love to share info about neuroscience and look forward to connection. cheers!

Hi everyone!
I’m Gianmarco, from Italy! I recently got my PhD in Physics working in computational neuroscience (mainly in the simulation of spiking neural networks) and now I’ve started my postdoc about AI applications in medical physics.

I will probably ask you some questions about fMRI and image preprocessing using C-PAC :slight_smile:


Hi everyone, I’m Marco :smiley:

I’m a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Padova, and I’m here to kindly ask for information on the use of neuroimaging tools like fMRIPrep and XCP-D.

Thanks to everyone in advance!

Hello everyone!

My name is Jade. I’m an American engineer at the Department of Cognitive Studies at the École Normale Superiérieure in Paris, France working in neuroimaging. My background is in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and gerontology working with interdisciplinary methods to better understand cognition in dementia. I’m thrilled to begin my PhD this autumn investigating #gradients of #functional-connectivity using resting-state fmri data in neurodegenerative disease.

I’m quite new to resting state analyses and I would sincerely appreciate any resources related to this topic (particularly regarding templates, volumetric vs. surface-based timeseries, which of these data to use for which analyses, and obtaining connectivity matrices). For some info on our workflow, we use fmriprep for pre-processing, nilearn for denoising, and we plan to use #brainspace for gradient construction. We’re also on the market for a new desktop to keep in lab for running analyses that don’t warrant a HPC. Thanks for any insight and please reach out if you have mutual interests!

Cheers :slight_smile:

Hello My name is Kim Junho and I am working as a software Engineer :grinning: :grinning:

Hello everyone!
My name is Koundinya. I am in my senior year at college pursuing bachelors in Computer Science.
I have always focused on the theoretical parts but have lacked experience. Hence, I have decided to contribute to open source and INCF’s goals caught my eye. I wish to contribute to this organisation and I hope I learn a lot from it.
Please help me where I can start with my contributions. Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!

Hi everyone. My name is Richard.I´m a neurologist turned to computational neuroscience. My field is brain dynamics, therefore EEGs. I specifically search for neuropsychiatry biomarkers for common diseases like ADHD and bipolar disorder. I already developed a very promising algorithm for Bipolars, but I always welcome EEGs data, especially the commom ones 19-20 used in the majority of clinics. My contact is Cheers to everyone!

Hi Vishwani,

How are you?

Please share your contact and see my introduction post below. It seems we have the same scientific interests. Yours,

Hello everyone, I’m Oumayma, a PhD student from Tunisia with a keen interest in leveraging computational tools in neuroscience. I’m here to seek guidance from experts, exchange knowledge, and develop my understanding in this fascinating field.